Tim Walz Clarifies That He's Never Been To Iraq, But He Has Been To Downtown Minneapolis Which Is Basically The Same Thing
DETROIT, MI — Coming under heavy criticism over allegedly false claims about his military service, Minnesota governor and current vice presidential candidate Tim Walz clarified that he's never been to Iraq, but he has been to downtown Minneapolis, which is...
He is such a liar.
Lol its satire right?
No. He is stupid and a liar.
Sgt Sadsack A walz. Likley Compromised pedo.
I believe so. He looks the part.
You will like this photo.
Okay ....scroll up and look at the shitpost flair ...we see good old mister Hankey on the right 💩 ....now who is that on the left???
No coincidences...
Dude definitely delivered and was rewarded. What a joke
That's the way of Satan. Worship me and do what I say and you could be king under me.
Isn't that what Jesus was told?
More like Mogadishu…
So, partially accurate at least.
He is a liar. I don't believe anything this one say.