It's a fair point, but what exactly is your argument? That Biden as Commander in Chief instructed Kamala to fly a plane without registration, in contrast to what has been done by all the VPs before her?
I don't have a point beyond what I explicitly stated. I can't get excited over the lack of a tail number on Air Force 2.
If this is being done by white hats (which it may very well be) , then ok fine, it just isn't very compelling to me.. I already know I'm watching a movie anyway from more compelling things that have occurred
That's cool, and I hate to rain on it, but military planes can do whatever they want, in particular af1 and 2
It's a fair point, but what exactly is your argument? That Biden as Commander in Chief instructed Kamala to fly a plane without registration, in contrast to what has been done by all the VPs before her?
What do you figure the purpose is of that?
I don't have a point beyond what I explicitly stated. I can't get excited over the lack of a tail number on Air Force 2.
If this is being done by white hats (which it may very well be) , then ok fine, it just isn't very compelling to me.. I already know I'm watching a movie anyway from more compelling things that have occurred