Nope. Jews had a Priesthood, tradition, and a sacrafice. Jesus & his early Church was the continuation of the ancient Israelite religion. It has been so now for 2,000 years.
You are either part of his original Church or you exercise your free will to reject his Church.
Jesus is not a polygamist;,I sincerely doubt he wants to be worhipped 45,000 different protestant ways. I say this, having been a Protestant for a period in time of my life.
Please understand that I don't see Prots as my enemy; although many see my church as their historical enemy. I believe we we are all in this mess together, however, I am looking at the situation from a 500 year old perspective. I BELIEVE that Mystery Babylonian secret societies were behind the Protestant revolution to divide & conquer Christiandom. I respect your free will to reject the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
I hope you respect my belief that Protestantism was the beginning of the Great Apostacy, encouraged by the Illumaniti & the Synagogue of Satan, to divide and destroy Western- Christian civilization.
Furthermore, I hope you respect my opinion that, I believe it was Lucifers intent to harvest as many souls as possible & what better way to do that, than to confuse Christians & give them 45,000 other options to chose from.
Sorry, this is about souls & my fear is that those souls that reject the church & the sacraments handed down to us by the Apostles, will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Ultimately, like yourself, God has given us intellect & free will to research these topics.
You get mad at me because I chose to be faithful to the Original Church (currently being held hostage by Freemasons, same as our Country). Sorry man, that's what I believe. Accept or reject, you have been told the TRUTH at least once in your life. Plan accordingly.
You may not know much about secret societies, however, look up the crest of the Rosecrutian (Rose & Cross). Look up the Crest of Luther, its a Rose & Cross. Luther himself said he was influenced by the Kabbalah.
So put it all together: catholic Church was the original, united Church for 1,500 years. Catholic governments were hunting down secret societies for centuries. Here comes along a heretical monk, takes out seven books from the Bible that Jews wanted removed, he followed the Kabbalah, he broke his vows & married a Nun & his rebellion led to the desolution of Christian Europe & the eventual creation of 45,000 watered down, divided protestant religions.
You can believe whatever you want, however, if your free will prevents you from serving God & belonging to his Church, my fear is that, that was the objective of Lucifer; harvest as many souls as possible for Hell. What if there really is no salvation outside of the Church & sacraments established by Jesus & his Apostles? It would mean millions upon million upon millions of souls have gone to hell over the past 500 years, since the great Apostacy. Ultimately, people have the free will to research this stuff, so they themselves, through participating in the rebellion, sent themselves to hell.
Nope. Jews had a Priesthood, tradition, and a sacrafice. Jesus & his early Church was the continuation of the ancient Israelite religion. It has been so now for 2,000 years.
You are either part of his original Church or you exercise your free will to reject his Church.
Jesus is not a polygamist;,I sincerely doubt he wants to be worhipped 45,000 different protestant ways. I say this, having been a Protestant for a period in time of my life.
Please understand that I don't see Prots as my enemy; although many see my church as their historical enemy. I believe we we are all in this mess together, however, I am looking at the situation from a 500 year old perspective. I BELIEVE that Mystery Babylonian secret societies were behind the Protestant revolution to divide & conquer Christiandom. I respect your free will to reject the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
I hope you respect my belief that Protestantism was the beginning of the Great Apostacy, encouraged by the Illumaniti & the Synagogue of Satan, to divide and destroy Western- Christian civilization.
Furthermore, I hope you respect my opinion that, I believe it was Lucifers intent to harvest as many souls as possible & what better way to do that, than to confuse Christians & give them 45,000 other options to chose from.
Sorry, this is about souls & my fear is that those souls that reject the church & the sacraments handed down to us by the Apostles, will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Ultimately, like yourself, God has given us intellect & free will to research these topics.
You get mad at me because I chose to be faithful to the Original Church (currently being held hostage by Freemasons, same as our Country). Sorry man, that's what I believe. Accept or reject, you have been told the TRUTH at least once in your life. Plan accordingly.
You may not know much about secret societies, however, look up the crest of the Rosecrutian (Rose & Cross). Look up the Crest of Luther, its a Rose & Cross. Luther himself said he was influenced by the Kabbalah.
So put it all together: catholic Church was the original, united Church for 1,500 years. Catholic governments were hunting down secret societies for centuries. Here comes along a heretical monk, takes out seven books from the Bible that Jews wanted removed, he followed the Kabbalah, he broke his vows & married a Nun & his rebellion led to the desolution of Christian Europe & the eventual creation of 45,000 watered down, divided protestant religions.
You can believe whatever you want, however, if your free will prevents you from serving God & belonging to his Church, my fear is that, that was the objective of Lucifer; harvest as many souls as possible for Hell. What if there really is no salvation outside of the Church & sacraments established by Jesus & his Apostles? It would mean millions upon million upon millions of souls have gone to hell over the past 500 years, since the great Apostacy. Ultimately, people have the free will to research this stuff, so they themselves, through participating in the rebellion, sent themselves to hell.
Good luck!