With the FBI, Department of “Justice” etc fully captured by the DS civil servants, nothing is going to happen.
Military tribunals are required as most actions, particularly the assassination attempt are High Treason.
30 years ago HRC would have swung for Uranium 1, destroyed server etc. mueller and bath house Barry for Russiagate. Biden family for Burisma. I could go on.
With the FBI, Department of “Justice” etc fully captured by the DS civil servants, nothing is going to happen. Military tribunals are required as most actions, particularly the assassination attempt are High Treason. 30 years ago HRC would have swung for Uranium 1, destroyed server etc. mueller and bath house Barry for Russiagate. Biden family for Burisma. I could go on.
Yes, slap on the wrists are all they will get. We need law and order again
We need “Find Out Friday” in a public square.