posted ago by JonathanE ago by JonathanE +20 / -0

When people get angry, as a group, they tend to riot. These riots are in full public view and usually covered by lots of cameras - meaning easy pickings for jackboots to focus resources and 'come after you'.

This is not how to win any kind of argument. The only reason it appears to work for other 'non-majority' groups is because it is allowed by the establishment as it furthers their goals for more draconian laws.

No, the answer is individual civil disobedience, to larger or lesser degree.

Ideally this should take the form of something that is hard to identify and even harder to prosecute/create new laws for - it will be the cumulative effect that achieves the intended goal - major policy change.

With that being said, most people likely lack the imagination to come up with their own ideas on what to do to register their protest against a government that is actively seeking their destruction through cultural dissolution.

So, thoughts/ideas on what the average person can do to contribute to civil disobedience?