In CA Silicon valley where im from, all i see are tech workers with fancy jobs, who literally do nothing besides just work and eat. they dont get the redpill, they dont vote, they dont volunteer in observing the elections, they dont have a strong stance on embracing the hard truth. they literally make tens of thousands of $$$, only to just go out and eat every single day, 3 times a day with hyper inflated food prices, go home, sleep, and eat again.
(and they could be doing much better things with that money, like helping the grassroots patriot movements locally, but that's a separate talk)
(also lets mention how most of these people have it so good, they dont even go grocery shopping and cook themselves, they literally doordash 2-3 times a day in this hyper inflated economy)
after noticing these things i thought to myself how could such a large portion of the workforce locally here be so useless at the same time by not being more active by changing their voting habits and go observe the elections or something? why do they all just go out and eat and just go to work again?
then it dawned on me that this is probably how the WEF and deep state generalizes us. all we do is just work and eat underneath them trying to survive, and they laugh at us cuz they think that's all we do, it's like we're animals who just do their work and as long as we are well fed at these tech jobs, then we're fine being useless and serving their agenda. it's sickening
also wasn't there a huge based event in silicon valley that completely sold out tickets to locals?
something like this happened, i just can't remember the details
so i wouldn't assume too much about the politics there.
remember, we are the silent majority. many patriots are obvious about it, but many are not.