Now that would be a redpill. We need this in America wit message that says, the government has used your money to fund illegal immigration and child trafficking along with funding abortions. Check back later. And everytime you check back it gives another red pill. Genius idea!
Someone needs to hack the IRS* with a variant of that message. "Your theft is funding war, murder, human trafficking, and satanic practices. Check back later, Chemosh."
Now that would be a redpill. We need this in America wit message that says, the government has used your money to fund illegal immigration and child trafficking along with funding abortions. Check back later. And everytime you check back it gives another red pill. Genius idea!
Someone needs to hack the IRS* with a variant of that message. "Your theft is funding war, murder, human trafficking, and satanic practices. Check back later, Chemosh."
*In Minecraft, of course.