According to Disney Plus' terms of service, you agree to not sue ANY company that's owned by Disney. The only mechanisms allowed are settlement and arbitration.
Here's one case. This guy wants to sue Disney World, but his Disney Plus membership disallows it:
Imagine large holding companies doing this. EG: Google, Microsoft, Meta (Facebook), etc. Worse yet, imagine them creating alliances with other companies to sneak this clause into their TOS. What if Netflix creates an agreement with Pfizer: hide a clause in Netflix TOS for not suing Pfizer.
Here's another scenario: If the parent company owns media companies, and hugely popular services, then they can slander the hell out of their customers with no recourse. So ESPN or ABC can slander their Disney Plus members.
i cross my fingers and curse the devil whenever i breeze through any fine print. might not be legally binding, but it still feels good