It's frustrating. I really don't want to be a doomer here but the messaging is so off. The campaign isn't taking Harris seriously. They're resorting to standard GOP talking points about tax cuts and fiscal responsibility in an election where everyone wants radical change. Trying desperately to appeal to different groups in a way that quite frankly looks like pandering to me. But no coherent vision like there was in 2016. This campaign feels like a flea market where they're auctioning off government policy to random special interest groups. It wasn't like this in the past. The campaign leadership needs to be replaced with real supporters at the helm, not establishment shills. I know people won't like to hear this but it's 100% true. Feel free to debate.
I'm Disappointed in This Campaign
She'll implode after the first debate and the NPCs will be fine with the substitute.
And then the next and the next. And then they'll make Trump the dem nominee after he comes out as trans names himself Hillary Clinton.