The First Jar—Painful Sores
16 Then I heard a loud voice coming from the house of God. The voice said to the seven angels, “Go and pour out the seven jars of God’s anger onto the earth!”
2 The first angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the earth. Painful sores were given to everyone who had the mark of the wild animal and who worshiped his god.
No I do not think so. This is mostly limited to vile homosexuals. The bible states those who have the mark of the beast (having submitted to antichrist and his system) will suffer the affliction. Much bigger audience than the homos.
My guess is that whatever implantation technology they use for the Mark of the Beast will cause some kind of dermal allergic response in the recipients. You know, like in today’s parlance - an “adverse effect” that their “experts” will be at loss for words to explain (it’ll be listed in Paragraph 666 of their EUA package insert in “6” font).
Another guess? My bet is that Big Pharma will be the ones leading the way on this. Those who will have refused to take the Sign of Satan will probably make dank memes of yet another one of their spectacular failures and call it “The Merck of the Beast.”
🤡🌎 to the maximus, IOW.