posted ago by IloveDJT2020 ago by IloveDJT2020 +252 / -3

My dear prayer warriors, we pray, because we believe in the power of Almighty God. And He says if we ask in His name we will receive.

My dear prayer warriors I need your prayers for a sweet young boy Andrew who is suffering complications from a seizure and is on life support.

Dear God, We lift up Andrew in prayer and ask for your healing touch on his little body. Please restore him to full health and strength, and give them the grace to endure this difficult time. We pray for their caregivers as well, that they would be granted wisdom and compassion as they provide care and support.

Heavenly Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus to ask for your healing and protection over Andrew. We pray that any diseases formed in their body would be cured and that they would be restored to full health. We ask that you would give them strength and courage to face any challenges that come their way.

Thank you my dear brothers and sisters. May God bless you always. And may the blessed Mother keep us under her protective mantle keeping us united in Christ.


Update: my dear friends forever thankful for your prayers. Our Good God called upon Andrew to His heavenly kingdom yesterday. Eternal rest grant unto Him O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon him. Amen