I read somewhere it was secreted within one of the city walls of Edessa until an earthquake ca. 8th century opened the wall. There’s a long-standing connection between Edessa and the Mandylion. (AKA shroud). There are 10th century Icons showing it. It’s the shroud folded in 4ths. The top layer has the face.
Another interesting and related article is the Suderium (face cloth) of Oviedo.
The stains match those of the shroud. It’s also mentioned in the Gospel.
One assumes that during the centuries of dispute over that city and area in general Rome (Constantinople) would have seized it to keep it from the Sassanids. There are supposed mentions of it in records from 10th century in Hagia Sophia the Imperial Church at Constantinople. The Franks took it with them (along with much much else) when they left Constantinople in 1250.
And please don’t get too worked up about schisms. If ever there was a time to accent what we believe in common, this is it.
I saw the coolest YouTube video on it, from “spacereinstitute” whatever that is.
It’s Italian, but dubbed to English, and has the most astounding image analysis I’ve seen in the 10 years I’ve been investigating this stuff. Sorry, but I’m unable to figure out how to give a link, but search for spacereinstitute, it’s an hour well spent.
Catholics have kept relics like the shroud for centuries.
The shroud was looted from Constantinople in 1204.
Turin is in Italy; so then the question becomes "how did it land in the hands of the schismatic East?"
I read a story about it being sent to King Abgar of Edessa. Here’s a link.
I read somewhere it was secreted within one of the city walls of Edessa until an earthquake ca. 8th century opened the wall. There’s a long-standing connection between Edessa and the Mandylion. (AKA shroud). There are 10th century Icons showing it. It’s the shroud folded in 4ths. The top layer has the face.
Another interesting and related article is the Suderium (face cloth) of Oviedo. The stains match those of the shroud. It’s also mentioned in the Gospel.
One assumes that during the centuries of dispute over that city and area in general Rome (Constantinople) would have seized it to keep it from the Sassanids. There are supposed mentions of it in records from 10th century in Hagia Sophia the Imperial Church at Constantinople. The Franks took it with them (along with much much else) when they left Constantinople in 1250.
And please don’t get too worked up about schisms. If ever there was a time to accent what we believe in common, this is it.
I saw the coolest YouTube video on it, from “spacereinstitute” whatever that is. It’s Italian, but dubbed to English, and has the most astounding image analysis I’ve seen in the 10 years I’ve been investigating this stuff. Sorry, but I’m unable to figure out how to give a link, but search for spacereinstitute, it’s an hour well spent.