When you proclaim SUNday as the sabbath, you know it's BS. Sabbath is the 7th day, which is our Saturday.
"The first day of the week (for many), Sunday has been set aside as the “day of the sun” since ancient Egyptian times in honor of the sun-god, beginning with Ra. The Egyptians passed their idea of a 7-day week onto the Romans, who also started their week with the Sun’s day, dies solis. When translated into early German, the first day was called sunnon-dagaz, which made its way into Middle English as sone(n)day."
When you proclaim SUNday as the sabbath, you know it's BS. Sabbath is the 7th day, which is our Saturday.
"The first day of the week (for many), Sunday has been set aside as the “day of the sun” since ancient Egyptian times in honor of the sun-god, beginning with Ra. The Egyptians passed their idea of a 7-day week onto the Romans, who also started their week with the Sun’s day, dies solis. When translated into early German, the first day was called sunnon-dagaz, which made its way into Middle English as sone(n)day."
Based Bill Cooper poster.
Thank you fren.