Here something I can see happening over the next couple months.
Sleeping Joe will have some kind of "Medical Condition". Stroke, heart attack, whatever, or at least that is what will be sold on the MSM.
He will be removed from office, Kamala will move into the white house. ( I am thinking this will be in next couple weeks)
Once she is office they will create some kind event, some time in October, large enough to cancel the November election.
There is no end, to what they will do to stay in power!
What say you?
No but it was inntentional that no one brought up the eligibility claim? Why? It was not a fake birthcirtificate That was the distraction. They didn't want you to look what was ON the birth citrificate. Look here not there. It became a debate about real or not. The reason is they didn't want you to spend time looking at what was On it. It's his Mothers AGE 19. This will be used to remove laws retroactivly. Anything Obummer put into law is gone. This most importantly traps the MEDIA for treason.