My 20 something son somehow was offered up Episode 1999 of the Joe Rogan podcast, featuring RFK jr., recently. Wow!!
- My son has NEVER shown any interest in anything political EVER. I have trying to educate him of the importance of his vote etc. UNTIL this video… HE LOVES RFK jr. Read his books, digs deep in his interests and it’s quite amazing to see happen.
He actually has been writing letters and sending reports to legislators. WHO has given him guidance on doing that?… MY PARENTS, his grandparents who LOVE the “ORIGINAL American Royalty” Kennedy family. My dad served in Nam and has taught my son about guns, about listening to your gut and researching what politicians, corporations, neighbors, media etc say.
ITS AMAZING! This duo DJT/RFK jr is DEFINITELY the Unity Party!
Right after the convention. So much for the bounce. Well played President Trump.
RFK jr. supports gun control. He is either really stupid or just another part of the liberal/communist COUP. because NO ONE is actually stupid enough to think gun control has ever stopped a crime. It Is for making the citizens sheep for Gov. Rule.