posted ago by CMAnon ago by CMAnon +31 / -0

We’re seeing the set up so we need to be ready. Media is starting the blitz about Covid is widespread in 32 states. Mpox is now showing up and Fauci claims to have West Nile Virus. Right on schedule with our 4 year presidential election. We know what is happening and the steps sure to come. School and work closures, vaccine pushes, masks, fear reporting about full hospital ERs, panic buying of essentials, etc., etc.

I want to see serious suggestions about how MAGA Nation should respond. I’m not worried how we respond individually. We’ve seen this rodeo before. Rather, we need a national response that overrides the fear campaign they will push. We need an unmistakable total MAGA push ready to deploy very quickly that addresses the following:

Ad council PSA’s on TV

Front page headlines that stoke fear

Guidance issued by “health authorities” to get vaxxed, wear masks, stay indoors, social distancing

School and work notices about potential closures

Shut down of public meetings, social gatherings, church services, “non-essential” businesses, retail stores, government offices, etc.

We need response ads to run on social media, on billboards, on public transportation. We need lawyers crafting cease and desist letters to any public traded company participating in these fear tactics.

We need 100 million people to speak as one saying WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

Suggestions please.