Now ask yourself why they were able to do it.
Durov broke the law in Russia, so called Yarovaya law, issued in 2017. According to this law all the info and messages to be hosted on servers in Russia and to be provided to FSB according to legal requests in cases of criminal activities, including terrorism and CP. Durov refused to follow the law and left the country getting citizenship of France and UAE, hosting servers overseas and making it difficult for russian authorities to block telegram. On the other hand the telegram traffic was accessible by Amazon, Google, etc.
Don't you people remember that soon after massive flee from Twitter to telegram since 1.6 General Flynn appeal to leave the telegram because they were bad guys.
Learn Russian, as advised, and read what Russians say about Durov. He is a laughing stock in Russia now, not because his last name is a derivative from a word fool, but because his escape from the law failed.
Interesting, that when Putin had an official visit in Azerbaijan recently, it was announced that he had no intention to meet Durov who also was in Azerbaijan trying to escape Western countries, although his family was in Switzerland at the moment.
There is more to the story than we may assume as there are some forces behind Durov naturally
Yes, exactly. I am 100% for free speech and there is a reason it is the FIRST Amendment. That said i cannot with any conscience support a platform that freely allows child exploitation and terrorism. Just because Tucker interviewed him doesn't make Pavel a white hat. It is possible to have free and protected speech and private conversations without the government spying on us all AND stop/prevent/report child exploitation. Some of us on this site do not understand this at all. It really is not complicated.
Soros players in Russia were using telegram to organize anti government (Putin) protects in Russia. I remember reading that they were using minors with promises of winning money if arrested and appealed to EU human rights court. Durov denied data regarding soros players using minors for political gains. He is among WEF young leaders if I remember correctly
So, he refused to cooperate with law and left Russia for US. In US he and his stuff were approached, according to his words, so he left for Asia. While in Asia at some point he failed to approach Putin and left for France as soon as he got a French passport. Something doesn't smell right and to begin with, he is not IT even unlike his brother, who is his co partner
Now ask yourself why they were able to do it. Durov broke the law in Russia, so called Yarovaya law, issued in 2017. According to this law all the info and messages to be hosted on servers in Russia and to be provided to FSB according to legal requests in cases of criminal activities, including terrorism and CP. Durov refused to follow the law and left the country getting citizenship of France and UAE, hosting servers overseas and making it difficult for russian authorities to block telegram. On the other hand the telegram traffic was accessible by Amazon, Google, etc.
Don't you people remember that soon after massive flee from Twitter to telegram since 1.6 General Flynn appeal to leave the telegram because they were bad guys.
Learn Russian, as advised, and read what Russians say about Durov. He is a laughing stock in Russia now, not because his last name is a derivative from a word fool, but because his escape from the law failed. Interesting, that when Putin had an official visit in Azerbaijan recently, it was announced that he had no intention to meet Durov who also was in Azerbaijan trying to escape Western countries, although his family was in Switzerland at the moment. There is more to the story than we may assume as there are some forces behind Durov naturally
Yes, exactly. I am 100% for free speech and there is a reason it is the FIRST Amendment. That said i cannot with any conscience support a platform that freely allows child exploitation and terrorism. Just because Tucker interviewed him doesn't make Pavel a white hat. It is possible to have free and protected speech and private conversations without the government spying on us all AND stop/prevent/report child exploitation. Some of us on this site do not understand this at all. It really is not complicated.
Soros players in Russia were using telegram to organize anti government (Putin) protects in Russia. I remember reading that they were using minors with promises of winning money if arrested and appealed to EU human rights court. Durov denied data regarding soros players using minors for political gains. He is among WEF young leaders if I remember correctly
Definitely need to keep eyes on as this plays out.
So, he refused to cooperate with law and left Russia for US. In US he and his stuff were approached, according to his words, so he left for Asia. While in Asia at some point he failed to approach Putin and left for France as soon as he got a French passport. Something doesn't smell right and to begin with, he is not IT even unlike his brother, who is his co partner
I would keep eyes on France as the warrant was only valid in France. Something is about to be exposed with the WEF Puppet in France.