Side note, Sheamus (WWE Wrestler) was on College Gameday this weekend as a guest, and they specifically went out of their way to ask about his dogs. And he goes "I have Frodo, he's the little guy..I have Betty, and I have DON." and the ESPN crew is like "Don, is he the Alpha of the group?" (without any prior discussion like they knew to ask that) and Sheamus goes "Yep, he is in control." all matter of factly. And then they just dropped it for another segment.
Side note, Sheamus (WWE Wrestler) was on College Gameday this weekend as a guest, and they specifically went out of their way to ask about his dogs. And he goes "I have Frodo, he's the little guy..I have Betty, and I have DON." and the ESPN crew is like "Don, is he the Alpha of the group?" (without any prior discussion like they knew to ask that) and Sheamus goes "Yep, he is in control." all matter of factly. And then they just dropped it for another segment.