31 The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? (victorhanson.com) posted 6 months ago by LakotaPride 6 months ago by LakotaPride +31 / -0 The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? If Biden is unable to lead the U.S. in his remaining months as president, our enemies abroad might see an opportunity to alter the global balance of power. 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
without a doubt....there was a report on the news talking about our military rediness..with all going on everything is depleted to danger levels.......
By design .
Shit is hitting the fan in Russia as we speak.
Putin did not fall for the trap .
Where IS our illustrious pResident these days?? Heels Up accepts the nomination and poof he’s gone… course he was never “ there”
Appears he is on a permanent vacation.