OFFICIAL GAW POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT: RFK Jr. mentioned 'chemtrails' (among other
now formerly 'fringe' conspiracies, LOL) in his recent speech. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT'S OPEN SEASON FOR CHEMTARDS, BUT—it means 'chemtrails' is is now officially on Q. The mods will take our Q's from RFK Jr. on this topic!

I like to look at it as a badge of honor. Same thing when someone calls me a Qtard. Yes, yes I am actually. o7
Ok wait! I got it. I think everyone on this board will like this one. Is it ever right to show adolescents pornographic material so that they can understand sex? Obviously no, right?
But if they figure it out themselves you can't erase that knowledge from there minds. As a good parent or guardian you are still gonna do your best to make sure they don't get pregnant/get anyone else pregnant. I mean that's pretty much how I view the whole military secrets thing now...
I mean if anyone linked currently classified (and unredacted) files on this site it would be %100 illegal and anyone who did this could be prosecuted. That is a fact.
Lmao, give catsfive a break, he is still waking up.
fair enough, kek
Oops. You promised no flat earth
Please no flat earth. Do not allow that here lol. They ignore basic math.
But but but where's the curve bro?!?! /s
like moon hoax deniers?
you tell me.