OFFICIAL GAW POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT: RFK Jr. mentioned 'chemtrails' (among other
now formerly 'fringe' conspiracies, LOL) in his recent speech. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT'S OPEN SEASON FOR CHEMTARDS, BUT—it means 'chemtrails' is is now officially on Q. The mods will take our Q's from RFK Jr. on this topic!
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Paranoid lurker here, commenting. Yah, I know, y'all are thinking, but u/pandamoon17 you've been commenting for hours. Like I said, I'm a lurker on this team account (an interesting concept if you are concerned about doxxing and being on government lists). Anyway, I find it interesting that this thread is stickied on the board along with u/johntitor17 's post regarding ascension, WH, and monitoring. Just wanted to share this thought I had with all of you digital soldiers: to the silent majority lurking here with me--your silence is noted. For all the users who have stopped posting--your absence is noted and recorded. The whole internet is being monitored, by good and evil agendas, and your actions/lack of actions and comments/failures to comment to things are noted, recorded, and even drives events. Think this concept is just limited to online? Nope. You're phones record everything. Satellites are around the world surveilling us all globally. There are video cameras everywhere. They have technology where they can listen to you anywhere. You think the phrase, "they have it all" only applies to the bad guys--they have it ALL, on ALL of us. Stop being afraid to act, speak the truth, and let your voices be heard, because, guess what... it's already been heard in the privacy of your well monitored private life. Think about that moment in V for Vendetta, when Evie finally became free, because she was no longer limited by fear of death for standing and taking action in her truth. That is the level of freedom we need to get at as an individual and a society if we're really going to finish off the DS.
What stage are we in the plan now? Will the majority of people be able to handle the truth, or will they have an aneurysm when they discover the truth, so do we stop telling the truth? Do we cover up the UFO crashing at Roswell, because people cannot handle the ET concept, and it will collapse society as we know it? Do we tell people the truth of (insert name of any fringe conspiracy here); do we leak it as a conspiracy; how do the people react?
All I can say is this: chem trails exist. It is a known fact. Just like how UFOs exist. It is a known fact. We're supposed to bow down and remain silent with the truth in a truther community because mods say we should just remain silent, and now the topic at hand is okay to acknowledge as truth, because a huge player in the political realm, briefly mentioned and acknowledged the existence of the topic, but we're still not allowed to talk about it? This is the great awakening. Some of you have stopped trying to be more "awakened" and are still stuck in whatever box you have formed to frame your world. I'm surprised that you just called RFK Jr. a CHEMTARD. Lol. This site cracks me up. I'm sure all the WH, BH, and ETs are looking at us as a race and thinking we are just so ass hat backwards, why are we even trying? I'll tell you why they are trying to save us--because of people like you. Truthers. 1776ers at heart. Patriots. The innocents.
If you're tired of the mods here playing the mods role they have, the internet has a great big playground, and some other sites actually have freedom of speech and less monitoring/restrictions on thoughts. Whatever you do, just know that everything you've ever done and said has always been observed your whole life, if not by your fellow man, by God. Is there really such a concept as a true Anon? Let's be real, even having a team account is not truly anonymous; it just gives anonymity to the general community, but we are always being monitored.
Why am I saying all of this instead of just sitting by and lurking harder? Elections are right around the corner. Are we going to just sit by on our computers and let them steal this thing, knowing that all your actions and inaction is monitored and noted? Depending on which side of the narrative wins, we'll all either be labeled decorated anonymous veterans of the digital war, or we'll be known prisoners in a communist regime, where we'll all be carted off to a loonie bin if we're lucky, or executed on the spot. This is our 1776 moment. You thought the first pandemic was bad? It was just a warm up act. We are all going to face our "give me freedom or give me death moment" soon. That, my friends, is the real precipice. We think of the precipice as this general cliff that we as a society and world are standing on, but it doesn't really affect me too much as a person. Well, it will. We'll all have to stand and face the music soon. I believe that particular piece of music is entitled, "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming." When that piece plays, and disclosure happens, a lot of what we know to be "true" at this moment now is going to be found to be, well, irrelevant, old thinking, and infantile technology.
Literally nothing literally nothing summarizes the chemtrail arguments more than th the chemtrail arguments better than the above sentence.
I heard Tennessee banned chemtrails. Okay... So let's get this... Chemtrails is an illegal program designed to kill Americans, supposedly. But AH, OKAY, they're going to politely switch off the illegal spraying because of some random state law?
I swear I wonder what planet I'm on sometimes. What is the poison they are spraying? Are they bring it from separate tanks other than the fuel tanks? Does anyone even understand how airplanes even work? For instance, Airbus makes an A350- 1000 that flies 2000 nautical miles further than the Boeing 787-10 because the Boeing doesn't have the fuel capacity the A350 does. Consequently, nobody's really buying the 787-10 and it's bothering Boeing greatly. You would think Boeing would eliminate the chemtrail tanks so they could have extra fuel in fly further and sell more planes, right? BUT NO... Boeing is just going to sell less airplanes so that they can keep the chemtrail tanks active? Honestly. How does it work?
I've been asking chemtards this question ever since I got here and not once have I gotten it a cogent answer that makes any sense to any rational, intelligent human being, especially when with 10 years of airline experience like it me
Nobody, and I mean nobody in the airline business (where I worked for 5 years) thanks chemtrails are real. You have to believe that airplanes are just mechanical magical carpets to think that anyone is secretly spraying on you
I worked in a hospital for years and nobody believed vaccines are bad for you. In fact, these medical professionals from CNAs to Doctors would sit around in the breakroom and discuss how absurd antivaxers are.
How could the pharmaceutical companies get one over on us, the medical professionals delivering the vaccines? Antivaxers just don't think it through.
Bias is Bias cat
He has fallen. But away has. Bout to just deport his ass.
The doctors don't make the vaccines though nor really need to know what's in it vs the level of conspiracy needed to keep everyone who builds, maintains, flies, and fuels the planes quiet.
Or, simply cloud seeding is happening but the chemicals they are spraying with the intent to seed clouds is in fact poisoning us.
Also, seems as a lot of people worked together to get us all the clot shot. A lot knew it was dangerous but the people we are supposed to trust told us it was safe.
Seems like a lot of people had to be involved just like what it would take to poison us through cloud seeding.
The thing is, I know how syringes work. I can prove 100% that the vax is being administered. So far, look at this thread. Absolutely not one person can explain the airline logistics necessary to create six lines over the heads of 200 plus chem cards every single day