OFFICIAL GAW POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT: RFK Jr. mentioned 'chemtrails' (among other
now formerly 'fringe' conspiracies, LOL) in his recent speech. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT'S OPEN SEASON FOR CHEMTARDS, BUT—it means 'chemtrails' is is now officially on Q. The mods will take our Q's from RFK Jr. on this topic!

The grids are caused by the air moving at high altitudes and the Jets going down the same ATC channels
These were low, didn't show up on flight radar, and there was no other plane traffic in the area aside from f17 training on occasion. These would just fly east west, the contrails would expand 10x. Then it would fly the other way, repeat the process. By the end a blue cloudless sky would be hazy. They were testing something. Probably ways to fake global warming knowing what I know now
There were also unmarked white commercial jets that use to fly around in circles that I have pics of too. Not boeing test jets either, I used to see those closer to spokane and those always appeared on flightradar 24