It read:
Post-Election Audits Confirm Accuracy of June Elections
On Monday, State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax announced that post-election audits conducted following Oklahoma's June Primary Elections confirmed the accuracy of the state's voting system with a 100% match of the certified election results.
"Oklahomans can be proud that our state has a voting system that is accurate and secure. Post-election audits and manual recounts in Oklahoma have proven it over and over again," Ziriax said. Post-election audits were first authorized by the Legislature in 2019, and are now a routine part of the election process.
Following the June 18 Primary Elections, Ziriax directed 76 of 77 counties to conduct manual tabulation audits of ballots in randomly-selected races across the state. The audits were open to the public and included Election Day precincts, in-person absentee ballots and mail absentee ballots. (Ziriax exempted Carter County from the audit requirement because the county election board had just completed a countywide, candidate-requested recount of a sheriff's primary. The recount exactly matched the unofficial results in that race. Details are included in the audit report.)
The post-election audit report is now available on the State Election Board's website.
Ziriax noted that recent independent reviews of Oklahoma's election system have shown it to be safe and secure – including a Governor's Task Force study and an analysis by the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency.
Post-Election Audits:
Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) Analysis:
Governor’s Task Force Study:
I have a relative 97 years old lives at home but cannot drive, almost has lost eye-site and on a walker. They wont give her a mail in ballot, they are forcing her to go to the polls to vote. She is not incompasitated or homebound according to OK election law.
You don't drive her to vote?
Hard to 600 miles away.