And I'm very annoyed at you for being such a degenerate. Though, to be fair, you are a symptom of modernity, which is what really gets me going. Modernity is shit, and while there's an infinite amount of beauty to be found in the world, it's all there in spite of modernity, and it's hanging on for dear life.
And no matter how much history you try to spin, you are a symptom of modernity, as is the disgusting sexual immorality that now plagues the world, corrupts the youth, and increasingly destroys the possibility of rightly ordered family. It only takes simple observational skills to see that this is the case, and that no successful society exists that operates on your demonic ideology, regardless of said society's religious persuasion.
All that, because people like you can't control your sexual urges.
To be completely honest with you buddy you sound like a kid, and you should probably just shut the fuck up and learn to chill out instead of going around thumping your Bible at people I mean honestly you're coming across as a little bit of sour grapes you know. Maybe if you learned to relax a little bit then you too could have two girlfriends who each earn 80 to 100,000 a year and you won't have to work so God damn hard just to squeeze blood from a stone to pay all the bills every month
Depends on your age range for "kid". I knew a guy who called people who were 50+ kids because, to him, they were comparatively much younger.
Then again, it doesn't particularly matter, since age is only an indicator of knowledge. For example, you could be 80 and I'd still have a better handle on reality than you.
And yes, I am sour grapes at this shitty fucking world that ruins people with toxic pharmaceuticals, poisons the air and water, makes people destitute while simultaneously bragging about the GDP being the highest ever, etc. And wouldn't you know, sticking my dick in multiple women while making a bunch of money isn't going to fix any of that, only allow myself to be a degenerate and pretend it doesn't exist, at best. Might as well throw some hard drugs in there, and then we'll have a real party, yeah?
Now, on the other hand, hope is free and despair is dreary, so among most people my age I'd say I'm above average in the "outlook on life" department. My big problem is getting in too deep in pointless quibbles online (that I often start).
I'm also simply repulsed by all the disgusting shit you say. I wouldn't have been a few years ago when I was an agnostic, but after becoming Christian I have developed a nice, healthy repulsion to disgusting, sinful things.
And I'm good. I'd rather not compromise what is moral and good just to get some pussy and some dollars. I'll leave that to the degens like you. I'd rather starve.
Yes absolutely.
And I'm very annoyed at you for being such a degenerate. Though, to be fair, you are a symptom of modernity, which is what really gets me going. Modernity is shit, and while there's an infinite amount of beauty to be found in the world, it's all there in spite of modernity, and it's hanging on for dear life.
And no matter how much history you try to spin, you are a symptom of modernity, as is the disgusting sexual immorality that now plagues the world, corrupts the youth, and increasingly destroys the possibility of rightly ordered family. It only takes simple observational skills to see that this is the case, and that no successful society exists that operates on your demonic ideology, regardless of said society's religious persuasion.
All that, because people like you can't control your sexual urges.
To be completely honest with you buddy you sound like a kid, and you should probably just shut the fuck up and learn to chill out instead of going around thumping your Bible at people I mean honestly you're coming across as a little bit of sour grapes you know. Maybe if you learned to relax a little bit then you too could have two girlfriends who each earn 80 to 100,000 a year and you won't have to work so God damn hard just to squeeze blood from a stone to pay all the bills every month
Depends on your age range for "kid". I knew a guy who called people who were 50+ kids because, to him, they were comparatively much younger.
Then again, it doesn't particularly matter, since age is only an indicator of knowledge. For example, you could be 80 and I'd still have a better handle on reality than you.
And yes, I am sour grapes at this shitty fucking world that ruins people with toxic pharmaceuticals, poisons the air and water, makes people destitute while simultaneously bragging about the GDP being the highest ever, etc. And wouldn't you know, sticking my dick in multiple women while making a bunch of money isn't going to fix any of that, only allow myself to be a degenerate and pretend it doesn't exist, at best. Might as well throw some hard drugs in there, and then we'll have a real party, yeah?
Now, on the other hand, hope is free and despair is dreary, so among most people my age I'd say I'm above average in the "outlook on life" department. My big problem is getting in too deep in pointless quibbles online (that I often start).
I'm also simply repulsed by all the disgusting shit you say. I wouldn't have been a few years ago when I was an agnostic, but after becoming Christian I have developed a nice, healthy repulsion to disgusting, sinful things.
And I'm good. I'd rather not compromise what is moral and good just to get some pussy and some dollars. I'll leave that to the degens like you. I'd rather starve.