Lessee, penciling some numbers on a napkin here, and based off of public information/union contacts available to search online ...
Average grocery store employees ~40. Blue state shithole, less motivated/efficient, +10. Gov't bureaucracy +10. Blue state shithole city, security personnel +8. Store managers +1. Asst store managers +6. Gov't political donor 'plum' (no-show) jobs +5. Public Food Director +1. Public Food Dep Director +2.
Annual Wages
Gov't: (8)... $1,411k
Mgmt (7)....$...654k
Staff: (68).. $3,740k
Total:..........$5.8 million
$5.8 million. $5.8 MILLION ... and that doesn't include the additional 6-8% for overtime, holiday pay, night pay, weekend pay, union training day pay, etc. Just to 'provide' a grocery store to 200-300 local residents who appreciated the last one SO much, they stole it blind and/or burned it down.
Open question to Chicongo taxpayers (the ones who haven't left yet):
Is this how you wanted (or expected) your tax dollars to be used?
Grocery stores are labor-intensive activities.
Lessee, penciling some numbers on a napkin here, and based off of public information/union contacts available to search online ...
Average grocery store employees ~40. Blue state shithole, less motivated/efficient, +10. Gov't bureaucracy +10. Blue state shithole city, security personnel +8. Store managers +1. Asst store managers +6. Gov't political donor 'plum' (no-show) jobs +5. Public Food Director +1. Public Food Dep Director +2.
Annual Wages
$5.8 million. $5.8 MILLION ... and that doesn't include the additional 6-8% for overtime, holiday pay, night pay, weekend pay, union training day pay, etc. Just to 'provide' a grocery store to 200-300 local residents who appreciated the last one SO much, they stole it blind and/or burned it down.
Open question to Chicongo taxpayers (the ones who haven't left yet):
Is this how you wanted (or expected) your tax dollars to be used?
Napkin Notes:
That's a whole lot of filled in potholes.