So this illegal immigrant is currently in New York State. New York State has state wide motor voter law. Which is automatic voter registration when obtaining a state issue ID/drivers license. Additionally, New York State has made it extremely easy for illegals, non-citizens, and any one in general to get a state issued identification card or drivers license.
The caveat is that when filling out the license form, the applicant must tick a box afirming they will not vote in a federal election if they are ineligible. That is literally all that stops them from voting in a federal election.
Sadly there is no mechanism for any one to check this other than the state for potentialy lying on a state government form. As that form is not a federal form the federal government cannot get involved.
This is not unique to New York State or Blue states for that matter. Any state with motor voter laws will likely have this problem. Even if there is a state/county ID check, there is likely nothing on the ID that shows some one is ineligible to vote.
So this illegal immigrant is currently in New York State. New York State has state wide motor voter law. Which is automatic voter registration when obtaining a state issue ID/drivers license. Additionally, New York State has made it extremely easy for illegals, non-citizens, and any one in general to get a state issued identification card or drivers license.
The caveat is that when filling out the license form, the applicant must tick a box afirming they will not vote in a federal election if they are ineligible. That is literally all that stops them from voting in a federal election.
Sadly there is no mechanism for any one to check this other than the state for potentialy lying on a state government form. As that form is not a federal form the federal government cannot get involved.
This is not unique to New York State or Blue states for that matter. Any state with motor voter laws will likely have this problem. Even if there is a state/county ID check, there is likely nothing on the ID that shows some one is ineligible to vote.
Oh yes, I know about all of that because I used to live in WA state. It's easy to just do mail in voting. There's no security.