If you want to know an expert opinion, read Russian sources about Durov. He is very disliked in Russia for years. They found it humiliating and arrogant when he threw money on people out of the window. And to begin with he is just a face of the company. His brother is an IT genius and co-founder. It's not clear who's really behind them. But he broke a law by hosting servers outside Russia.
I do remember sorting through a lot of that information about Pavel's past and the tenuous relationship with his home country.
I am aware his brother is the real auteur and has been working on what amounts to extremely sophisticated encryption methods since his teens.
Pavel is the less talented coder and tech geek who more or less found ways to platform and monetize his brother's innovations.
My estimation is that he took on some Russian funding in 2021 and that began to mend fences between him and Russia's government. Maybe some of that funding was state sponsored, maybe they wanted to understand its functionality and if anyone else (like the 🤡IA) had backdoor access to his technology.
Assurances from him, a fellow countryman without compromising Telegram to them would probably be enough for Russian people and the military arm to adopt it as a channel. Things can look one way and be another.
I give him that credit because he really seems to be a free speech absolutist who did not want to participate in any spycraft, or subject the Telegram userbase to surveillance by any government, domestic or foreign.
Additionally the rates of customer adoption that Telegram received globally would have been adversely impacted had he given ANY government access to it.... this is the Domino effect, if I let the Belgians get the keys to the backdoor, eventually they are selling those keys to Washington or Moscow or Beijing.
Durov is a realist when it comes to those realities and he had already seen the sequence of events with WhatsApp, which I believe they created before selling it to Zuckerfucker.
Anyways. I like to hope that at least a few rogue actors with large amounts of private equity can gain and maintain that status sans a loss of integrity, which somewhere down the road seems to inevitably cause people to die.
I am reading on Russian sites that his brother is in Russia actually, not in Dubai as it was stated earlier. No confirmation if he actually met Putin in Azerbaijan. Some game is going on.
Well, his absolutism prevented terrorists from justice. His principles don't excuse breaking Russians laws. And I doubt it's absolutism. He sounds like a typical liberal. Vegan, wearing only black, donating his sperm all over the world, that reminds me of Epstein. He didn't sound like a good guy to me. I remember General Flynn telling at some point to get off telegram because they were bad guys. There is a lot of negativity towards him in Russia since they had VKontakte a decade ago
I wasn't aware his brother wasn't in Dubai nor that there was a purported "meet up" with Putin in Azerbaijan. I do agree with you that there is something else going on underneath the story we are hearing in the news but I am not sure what.
I do remember General Flynn coming out with that warning. At that time Telegram was having a surge among many MAGA circles in America - COVID was still haunting us and a lot of censorship was happening in real time and being talked about.
Flynn is not the most convincing to me personally. I am sympathetic to what happened to him during the Trump years but I have issues with how he makes some statements and some of his relationships.
I am noting how you describe him and how you say he is disliked by the people of Russia. I wasn't aware of anything to do with his lifestyle but if what you say is true then it does cause suspicion.
Last when you mention terrorists, I would only caution that this is often an argument made by governments when displeased with someone revealing information that was a net good for the populous. Julian Assange and Snowden both were accused of helping terrorism by the U.S. intel apparatus, to sway public opinion and damage control after their controversial actions were revealed. I do not argue the same case for Durov, but only that he would be a target of similar criticism by remaining neutral as he seems to have.
In terms of what the app was used for; if he caved to one government it would cause consequences to another, and so forth. This was an argument about U.S. social media that was at one point censoring MAGA styled groups but allowing Antifa to proliferate without issue.
Thank you u/Volpina for the information you've shared! Its always nice to hear other opinions especially with international perspective. 😎
Thank you. I am cautious about Flynn but I am more cautious about Durov. Rumors are that TG crypto was dumped before the arrest. If true something is obviously going on underground.
You have very good points, but the way I see it is concerning, as Durov broke the law and move the servers out of the country to prevent the government from blocking them yet he made them quite accessible to all the Google, Amazon and icloud things. And TG is intensely used by Russian military.
If you want to know an expert opinion, read Russian sources about Durov. He is very disliked in Russia for years. They found it humiliating and arrogant when he threw money on people out of the window. And to begin with he is just a face of the company. His brother is an IT genius and co-founder. It's not clear who's really behind them. But he broke a law by hosting servers outside Russia.
I do remember sorting through a lot of that information about Pavel's past and the tenuous relationship with his home country.
I am aware his brother is the real auteur and has been working on what amounts to extremely sophisticated encryption methods since his teens.
Pavel is the less talented coder and tech geek who more or less found ways to platform and monetize his brother's innovations.
My estimation is that he took on some Russian funding in 2021 and that began to mend fences between him and Russia's government. Maybe some of that funding was state sponsored, maybe they wanted to understand its functionality and if anyone else (like the 🤡IA) had backdoor access to his technology.
Assurances from him, a fellow countryman without compromising Telegram to them would probably be enough for Russian people and the military arm to adopt it as a channel. Things can look one way and be another.
I give him that credit because he really seems to be a free speech absolutist who did not want to participate in any spycraft, or subject the Telegram userbase to surveillance by any government, domestic or foreign.
Additionally the rates of customer adoption that Telegram received globally would have been adversely impacted had he given ANY government access to it.... this is the Domino effect, if I let the Belgians get the keys to the backdoor, eventually they are selling those keys to Washington or Moscow or Beijing.
Durov is a realist when it comes to those realities and he had already seen the sequence of events with WhatsApp, which I believe they created before selling it to Zuckerfucker.
Anyways. I like to hope that at least a few rogue actors with large amounts of private equity can gain and maintain that status sans a loss of integrity, which somewhere down the road seems to inevitably cause people to die.
I am reading on Russian sites that his brother is in Russia actually, not in Dubai as it was stated earlier. No confirmation if he actually met Putin in Azerbaijan. Some game is going on. Well, his absolutism prevented terrorists from justice. His principles don't excuse breaking Russians laws. And I doubt it's absolutism. He sounds like a typical liberal. Vegan, wearing only black, donating his sperm all over the world, that reminds me of Epstein. He didn't sound like a good guy to me. I remember General Flynn telling at some point to get off telegram because they were bad guys. There is a lot of negativity towards him in Russia since they had VKontakte a decade ago
I wasn't aware his brother wasn't in Dubai nor that there was a purported "meet up" with Putin in Azerbaijan. I do agree with you that there is something else going on underneath the story we are hearing in the news but I am not sure what.
I do remember General Flynn coming out with that warning. At that time Telegram was having a surge among many MAGA circles in America - COVID was still haunting us and a lot of censorship was happening in real time and being talked about.
Flynn is not the most convincing to me personally. I am sympathetic to what happened to him during the Trump years but I have issues with how he makes some statements and some of his relationships.
I am noting how you describe him and how you say he is disliked by the people of Russia. I wasn't aware of anything to do with his lifestyle but if what you say is true then it does cause suspicion.
Last when you mention terrorists, I would only caution that this is often an argument made by governments when displeased with someone revealing information that was a net good for the populous. Julian Assange and Snowden both were accused of helping terrorism by the U.S. intel apparatus, to sway public opinion and damage control after their controversial actions were revealed. I do not argue the same case for Durov, but only that he would be a target of similar criticism by remaining neutral as he seems to have.
In terms of what the app was used for; if he caved to one government it would cause consequences to another, and so forth. This was an argument about U.S. social media that was at one point censoring MAGA styled groups but allowing Antifa to proliferate without issue.
Thank you u/Volpina for the information you've shared! Its always nice to hear other opinions especially with international perspective. 😎
Thank you. I am cautious about Flynn but I am more cautious about Durov. Rumors are that TG crypto was dumped before the arrest. If true something is obviously going on underground. You have very good points, but the way I see it is concerning, as Durov broke the law and move the servers out of the country to prevent the government from blocking them yet he made them quite accessible to all the Google, Amazon and icloud things. And TG is intensely used by Russian military.