Which is funny, because I'd like to throw all the communists at the NYP under a bus
Who says they didn't have reptiallian DNA?
The fact that a reptilian race of beings has interfered with human society since the beginning of modern history (modern meaning past 6,000 years), and probably far beyond that, is also extremely evidenced (every major culture on Earth speaks of them, from the Sarpa who, according to Hindu history, founded Earth-human civilisation, to the Uktena of the Cherokee, to the Sheti of the Hopi, to the Riu and Long of Japan annd China, etc.)
The Iguana-People (Itzamna) of the Mayans, the Dragons (Long) of China and Japan (Riu), the Naga and Sarpa of India, the Anunnaki (a Reptilian race, but not the Draco) and Dragon-Gods (Draco Reptilians) of Sumeria and Babylon, the Chitahuri and Imanugela of Africa, the Serpent-People of the Zuni, Hopi, Anasazi and Blood Indians (among many others), the Uktena and Tlanuhwa of the Cherokee, the Dragons of Europe, etc.
The original royal families of Europe claimed descendence from Dragons. Ambrosius (Merlin) was actually Natanleod, a British king who was said to shapeshift into a dragon. Charlemagne was called "Le Chameleon", because of his combined Hebrew and ´Dragon´ descent, and his reputed ability to shapeshift into a ´demon´ or ´dracula´ (dragon-devil). The later Emperors of Rome used dragon-symbolism and were said to shapeshift into ´Dracul´ (dragon-demons), especially the Byzantine Emperors.
The early European peoples said that humans were made when a humanoid race (sometimes referred to as ´Elves´ or ´Alfheim´) was combined with the race of Dragons (Dracula in Latin), and this hybridisation of a humanoid race with dragons to create the Adam is a recurring theme in worldwide mythology. In India, the Naga were depicted symbolically as having the heads or upper bodies of humans and the bodies of serpents. The sages of the time often referred to this as meaning ´Above is the human, Below is the dragon (Sarpa)´, and a ´mingling of seeds´. This symbolically seems to refer to a reptilian DNA base with human DNA implanted. This is exactly what the human genome looks like, with reptilian DNA ´below´ and human DNA ´above´.
And of course the Reptilians are not the only alien race to have interacted with this planet.
In Egypt they speak extensively of the ´Gods´ who brought them knowledge from the stars, and of the Lion-People who came with them (The Kilroti). They speak of them as emanating from Sirius, the Dog-Star, which in Egypt was called Isis, named for their symbolic Mother Goddess.
In Africa, the Zulu shamans bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians who they say control the Earth--called the Chitahuri.
In Sumeria ten thousand tablets have been found and translated which refer to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa (the exact same story appears in Africa, and there are goldmines in Africa estimated by the Anglo-American company to be over 60,000 years old).
In China and Japan underground bases where the Dragon Kings live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of ´Dragons´. (there are also many other reptilian races referred to, such as the Kappa).
In Australia the aborigines speak of a reptilian race which lives underneath the Earth and secretly governs over men. The Aboriginal chiefs have spoken of going into the Earth where these beings resided. There they claim there is extensive technology. The Aborigines say that they are descended from a race of dragon-humans that once lived on an enormous continent that spanned the entire Pacific ocean, and that most of it sank beneath the waves in ancient times, but that Australia is a remnant of it, and this is why there are so many reptilian animals there.
In China, Japan, India, Europe, South America, North America, Australia, etc. the exact same description of a 7-level reptilian hierarchy recurs.
The highest Dragons are always said to be winged, and often this is divided into two castes, one being the Bird-Dragons and one being the Winged-Dragons (this is the case in Asia).
Beneath them are Dragons with horns but no wings.
Beneath them are the Dragons with no horns, but which are considered ´true dragons´.
Beneath them are the Dragon Children or ´Watersnakes´, a race of beings often described as lizard-like humanoids, but often symbolically depicted as watersnakes, giant serpents, etc.
The hierarchy in all 7 levels is usually as follows:
White, Winged Dragons (sometimes with feathers, and often with icy blue eyes) (usually with horns)
Winged Dragons (large, but featherless and non-white) (with horns)
Winged Dragons (usually with horns)
Horned Dragons
True Dragons
Warrior Dragons (expendable caste of warriors. usually described as largest caste population-wise, as Dragons are said to be a very belligerent race).
Lizard-Dragons (the Untouchables. Weak, small, skinny lizard-like Dragons)
In actuality, the Draco Caste System is as follows:
White, Winged Draco (Royalty)
Statesmen and Politicians
Religious Caste (Priests, Ritual Performers, etc.)
Warriors (pictured above)
Drones (Lizard-like Reptilians under total mind-control who perform routine work such as abductions)
The Draco
The Illuminati, which includes 13 major Royal-descended families from Europe, were created by the Draco Reptilians.
The Royal family are not ´reptiles´, persay, but they do have more Reptilian DNA than most Earth-humans.
All humans on Earth have Draco and humanoid (Lyrian) DNA, but with a smaller percentage of Draco Reptilian than human. However, the Illuminati, created by the Draco, have a 50/50 split between human and Reptilian DNA, giving them the ability to shapeshift between the two forms as a result of many factors, including the incompatibility of human and Reptilian DNA. Mammals and Reptiles are not native to Earth. They originated on separate planets.
Only a small percentage of the Illuminati are shapeshifters, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh), Baron Guy de Rothschild, George H.W. Bush, David Rockefeller, etc. The rest are mostly people with a somewhat higher percentage of Reptilian DNA than usual which have been recruited by the Illuminati as a result of bloodline, lack of morals, what have you--everything the mafia would look for. Mafias in general are a Draco type of cultural creation, and most of the major ones are controlled by the Illuminati. Most intelligence agencies are as well, including the CIA, KGB ("FSB"), Mossad, etc.
In reality, there is not much truth to the idea of independent government in Europe or America anymore. These governments were always mafia/Illuminati controlled, but now it is far more centralised than before. Once, we had Hapsburg Illuminati infighting with Rothschild Illuminati. Now there is far more cooperation among the Illuminati because they know that the NWO is growing near.
The European Union is not as wonderful a thing as some uninformed people think it is. The United Nations is actually a very maniacal organisation geared at creating global government with totalitarian control. In working toward this ´dream´ of theirs, they have, among other things, distributed the AIDS virus to Africans as a means of depopulating the Black race, conquered over 90% of United States land through illegal action, murdered a team of their own scientists who were headed for a conference in Geneva regarding the AIDS virus/genocide affair, and had Kurt Waldheim, former Nazi SS soldier, as its Secretary General.
In terms of the Draco, they are a Reptilian race originating in the Draco star system. They were the first colonists of the planet Earth. Earth was originally a totally marine environment, with shallow marshes and seas being the closest thing to land. The Draco then decided to make it part of their strategy to use this solar system as an entry point into the rest of the galaxy--a strategic place for a military base.
Therefore, they terra-formed Earth, creating a very large continent in what is now the Pacific, commonly known as Lemuria. This Reptilian civilisation developed quite a bit until the Atlans, a human group, invaded the Earth and created their own continent, which is now known as Atlantis. There is a lot of history to this, but eventually the two groups came to a treaty (after the destruction of both of their continents), and modern Earth-humans were created as a hybrid species between them, with the DNA of other alien groups and certain animals as well.
At the moment, the Draco have quite a grip on about 90% of this planet, even controlling most aspects of Earth-human civilisation through complete domination of all major intelligence agencies, governments and mafias.
You will notice that an Amazonian shaman who is aware of Oneness and aware of his/her connection with the Earth would probably never go along with the New World Order, whereas a blonde-haired mall-going American is extremely likely to accept such a thing, both because of genetics and cultural upbringing.
It is possible because the Reptilians do exist, and are the most populous alien race inhabiting this planet at the moment. In their eyes, they own the Earth, as they were the first high-tech civilisation to colonise it circa 1 million years ago.
This is why reptiles and dinosaurs show up in the earlier paleontological record. Birds are a warm-blooded species that adapted to the mammalian energies of the Atlantean humanoids (Lyraens), who came later (circa 400,000 years ago).
Mainstream science´s view of paleontology is incorrect. Dinosaur footprints have been found with human footprints nearby, or even inside of them. Clearly the two species coincided.
Dinosaurs actually evolved on the Draco homeworld, and are the cattle and wild animals of the Draco, along with most reptiles (some were also brought by the Abbennakki). Mammals also originate off-world--mostly from the constellation Lyrae before civilisation there was destroyed during the Draco invasion, after which the Lyraens were forced to escape to the Pleiades, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Earth, etc.
Yes, the Reptilians have set in motion the Illuminati mafias as a means of manipulating this planet. An accurate source of information on the matter would be Stewart Swerdlow www.stewartswerdlow.com
Though I do not necessarily agree with everything that he says, for the most part he is an excellent source of information. I can confirm much of this from personal experience.
Princess Diana as a New World Religious Figure
Princess Diana was ritually sacrificed. Her programming was starting to break down, as was expected and planned.
She stopped hiding what she knew about the Reptilians, and yes, contacted Credo Mutwa as well as her psychic healer, "Christine Fitzgerald", who has since been threatened for revealing this information.
After her ritual sacrifice, she has become a religious icon of the New Age. This is all leading up to her future status as a saint of the New World Religion. This is really an excuse to bring back worship of the Goddess Diana.
Similarly, Ronald Reagan was ritually sacrificed, and his funeral service signified the death of America as we know it, heralding in the New World Order.
America will soon crumble economically and politically. The United Nations wil be called into "Restore Order". The United States will then be divided into two districts, Eastern and Western. The Eastern district will be Atlanta. The Western District will be Denver.
This is all planned to occur some time within the next 15 or so years--perhaps sooner. All depends upon what the Illuminati see as the appropriate times to initiate such events.
any guy who wears that douche bag bob marley knit hat is left wing cuck - especially if he allows his infant son to have long hair... no matter what they say about him.
This is a few years old
NY Post was slightly less woke than NY Times, things are getting bad for MSM.
This shit is old, who cares.
Which is funny, because I'd like to throw all the communists at the NYP under a bus
Who says they didn't have reptiallian DNA?
The fact that a reptilian race of beings has interfered with human society since the beginning of modern history (modern meaning past 6,000 years), and probably far beyond that, is also extremely evidenced (every major culture on Earth speaks of them, from the Sarpa who, according to Hindu history, founded Earth-human civilisation, to the Uktena of the Cherokee, to the Sheti of the Hopi, to the Riu and Long of Japan annd China, etc.)
The Iguana-People (Itzamna) of the Mayans, the Dragons (Long) of China and Japan (Riu), the Naga and Sarpa of India, the Anunnaki (a Reptilian race, but not the Draco) and Dragon-Gods (Draco Reptilians) of Sumeria and Babylon, the Chitahuri and Imanugela of Africa, the Serpent-People of the Zuni, Hopi, Anasazi and Blood Indians (among many others), the Uktena and Tlanuhwa of the Cherokee, the Dragons of Europe, etc.
The original royal families of Europe claimed descendence from Dragons. Ambrosius (Merlin) was actually Natanleod, a British king who was said to shapeshift into a dragon. Charlemagne was called "Le Chameleon", because of his combined Hebrew and ´Dragon´ descent, and his reputed ability to shapeshift into a ´demon´ or ´dracula´ (dragon-devil). The later Emperors of Rome used dragon-symbolism and were said to shapeshift into ´Dracul´ (dragon-demons), especially the Byzantine Emperors.
The early European peoples said that humans were made when a humanoid race (sometimes referred to as ´Elves´ or ´Alfheim´) was combined with the race of Dragons (Dracula in Latin), and this hybridisation of a humanoid race with dragons to create the Adam is a recurring theme in worldwide mythology. In India, the Naga were depicted symbolically as having the heads or upper bodies of humans and the bodies of serpents. The sages of the time often referred to this as meaning ´Above is the human, Below is the dragon (Sarpa)´, and a ´mingling of seeds´. This symbolically seems to refer to a reptilian DNA base with human DNA implanted. This is exactly what the human genome looks like, with reptilian DNA ´below´ and human DNA ´above´.
And of course the Reptilians are not the only alien race to have interacted with this planet.
In Egypt they speak extensively of the ´Gods´ who brought them knowledge from the stars, and of the Lion-People who came with them (The Kilroti). They speak of them as emanating from Sirius, the Dog-Star, which in Egypt was called Isis, named for their symbolic Mother Goddess.
In Africa, the Zulu shamans bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians who they say control the Earth--called the Chitahuri.
In Sumeria ten thousand tablets have been found and translated which refer to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa (the exact same story appears in Africa, and there are goldmines in Africa estimated by the Anglo-American company to be over 60,000 years old).
In China and Japan underground bases where the Dragon Kings live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of ´Dragons´. (there are also many other reptilian races referred to, such as the Kappa).
In Australia the aborigines speak of a reptilian race which lives underneath the Earth and secretly governs over men. The Aboriginal chiefs have spoken of going into the Earth where these beings resided. There they claim there is extensive technology. The Aborigines say that they are descended from a race of dragon-humans that once lived on an enormous continent that spanned the entire Pacific ocean, and that most of it sank beneath the waves in ancient times, but that Australia is a remnant of it, and this is why there are so many reptilian animals there.
In China, Japan, India, Europe, South America, North America, Australia, etc. the exact same description of a 7-level reptilian hierarchy recurs.
The highest Dragons are always said to be winged, and often this is divided into two castes, one being the Bird-Dragons and one being the Winged-Dragons (this is the case in Asia).
Beneath them are Dragons with horns but no wings.
Beneath them are the Dragons with no horns, but which are considered ´true dragons´.
Beneath them are the Dragon Children or ´Watersnakes´, a race of beings often described as lizard-like humanoids, but often symbolically depicted as watersnakes, giant serpents, etc.
The hierarchy in all 7 levels is usually as follows:
In actuality, the Draco Caste System is as follows:
The Draco
The Illuminati, which includes 13 major Royal-descended families from Europe, were created by the Draco Reptilians.
The Royal family are not ´reptiles´, persay, but they do have more Reptilian DNA than most Earth-humans.
All humans on Earth have Draco and humanoid (Lyrian) DNA, but with a smaller percentage of Draco Reptilian than human. However, the Illuminati, created by the Draco, have a 50/50 split between human and Reptilian DNA, giving them the ability to shapeshift between the two forms as a result of many factors, including the incompatibility of human and Reptilian DNA. Mammals and Reptiles are not native to Earth. They originated on separate planets.
Only a small percentage of the Illuminati are shapeshifters, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh), Baron Guy de Rothschild, George H.W. Bush, David Rockefeller, etc. The rest are mostly people with a somewhat higher percentage of Reptilian DNA than usual which have been recruited by the Illuminati as a result of bloodline, lack of morals, what have you--everything the mafia would look for. Mafias in general are a Draco type of cultural creation, and most of the major ones are controlled by the Illuminati. Most intelligence agencies are as well, including the CIA, KGB ("FSB"), Mossad, etc.
In reality, there is not much truth to the idea of independent government in Europe or America anymore. These governments were always mafia/Illuminati controlled, but now it is far more centralised than before. Once, we had Hapsburg Illuminati infighting with Rothschild Illuminati. Now there is far more cooperation among the Illuminati because they know that the NWO is growing near.
The European Union is not as wonderful a thing as some uninformed people think it is. The United Nations is actually a very maniacal organisation geared at creating global government with totalitarian control. In working toward this ´dream´ of theirs, they have, among other things, distributed the AIDS virus to Africans as a means of depopulating the Black race, conquered over 90% of United States land through illegal action, murdered a team of their own scientists who were headed for a conference in Geneva regarding the AIDS virus/genocide affair, and had Kurt Waldheim, former Nazi SS soldier, as its Secretary General.
In terms of the Draco, they are a Reptilian race originating in the Draco star system. They were the first colonists of the planet Earth. Earth was originally a totally marine environment, with shallow marshes and seas being the closest thing to land. The Draco then decided to make it part of their strategy to use this solar system as an entry point into the rest of the galaxy--a strategic place for a military base.
Therefore, they terra-formed Earth, creating a very large continent in what is now the Pacific, commonly known as Lemuria. This Reptilian civilisation developed quite a bit until the Atlans, a human group, invaded the Earth and created their own continent, which is now known as Atlantis. There is a lot of history to this, but eventually the two groups came to a treaty (after the destruction of both of their continents), and modern Earth-humans were created as a hybrid species between them, with the DNA of other alien groups and certain animals as well.
At the moment, the Draco have quite a grip on about 90% of this planet, even controlling most aspects of Earth-human civilisation through complete domination of all major intelligence agencies, governments and mafias.
You will notice that an Amazonian shaman who is aware of Oneness and aware of his/her connection with the Earth would probably never go along with the New World Order, whereas a blonde-haired mall-going American is extremely likely to accept such a thing, both because of genetics and cultural upbringing.
It is possible because the Reptilians do exist, and are the most populous alien race inhabiting this planet at the moment. In their eyes, they own the Earth, as they were the first high-tech civilisation to colonise it circa 1 million years ago.
This is why reptiles and dinosaurs show up in the earlier paleontological record. Birds are a warm-blooded species that adapted to the mammalian energies of the Atlantean humanoids (Lyraens), who came later (circa 400,000 years ago).
Mainstream science´s view of paleontology is incorrect. Dinosaur footprints have been found with human footprints nearby, or even inside of them. Clearly the two species coincided.
Dinosaurs actually evolved on the Draco homeworld, and are the cattle and wild animals of the Draco, along with most reptiles (some were also brought by the Abbennakki). Mammals also originate off-world--mostly from the constellation Lyrae before civilisation there was destroyed during the Draco invasion, after which the Lyraens were forced to escape to the Pleiades, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Earth, etc.
Yes, the Reptilians have set in motion the Illuminati mafias as a means of manipulating this planet. An accurate source of information on the matter would be Stewart Swerdlow www.stewartswerdlow.com
Though I do not necessarily agree with everything that he says, for the most part he is an excellent source of information. I can confirm much of this from personal experience.
Princess Diana as a New World Religious Figure
Princess Diana was ritually sacrificed. Her programming was starting to break down, as was expected and planned.
She stopped hiding what she knew about the Reptilians, and yes, contacted Credo Mutwa as well as her psychic healer, "Christine Fitzgerald", who has since been threatened for revealing this information.
After her ritual sacrifice, she has become a religious icon of the New Age. This is all leading up to her future status as a saint of the New World Religion. This is really an excuse to bring back worship of the Goddess Diana.
Similarly, Ronald Reagan was ritually sacrificed, and his funeral service signified the death of America as we know it, heralding in the New World Order.
America will soon crumble economically and politically. The United Nations wil be called into "Restore Order". The United States will then be divided into two districts, Eastern and Western. The Eastern district will be Atlanta. The Western District will be Denver.
This is all planned to occur some time within the next 15 or so years--perhaps sooner. All depends upon what the Illuminati see as the appropriate times to initiate such events.
Wall of text. Head hurts.
Reading can hurt my head too... but it's just teaching... I won't make you listen
any guy who wears that douche bag bob marley knit hat is left wing cuck - especially if he allows his infant son to have long hair... no matter what they say about him.
I wear a stocking cap when it's cold, does that make me a left wing cuck? Bob Marley is awesome too.
different hat all together.
Bob Marley was a degenerate
In what ways was he degenerate? I didn't reserach his life, just enjoyed his music.