BREAKING: Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive" Second Trump Term; Reveals Colleagues “Terrified” of His Reelection; Admits U.N. is ‘95% useless’ at Primary Function of International Peace & Security
😱 Trump Terror is Real 😱
If there is a one world government, then what happens to the United States government? What happens to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights?
We should have a one world government that implements these documents. Americanism for all and the destruction of communism and fascism.
"What happens to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights?" Ask the political prisoners in DC what happened.
A question most of us have been asking for 40 years? Difference is while we worried about it happening it happened. Past tense and we are now working to recover amd restore our Constitution which by virtue of the way the plan is going they have already done that amd are exercising portions to our recovery. Like light switches being thrown on bit hundreds of them.