Right, oh! In light of all the males & females that got the COVID jabs, this could be a good thing. The mRNA spike proteins gravitate down to the testes & ovaries. It was the deep state US government & global cabal’s democide & sterilization program, depending on the lot of vaxxx they were given. The depopulation agenda, remember? Also the general population has been poisoned by food, air & water, much is affecting everyone and also sperm counts.
Right, oh! In light of all the males & females that got the COVID jabs, this could be a good thing. The mRNA spike proteins gravitate down to the testes & ovaries. It was the deep state US government & global cabal’s democide & sterilization program, depending on the lot of vaxxx they were given. The depopulation agenda, remember? Also the general population has been poisoned by food, air & water, much is affecting everyone and also sperm counts.