I know this seems obvious to most of us, but I'm fighting a battle with my not-yet-red-pilled Mom, who wants to get the shingles vax. I know they've been pushing it heavily the past few years, and now she's convinced she needs it to avoid getting shingles. She took the first covid shot when it first came out (mandated by her workplace), and I was thankfully able to talk her out of remaining shots and boosters. But I can't believe after all the bad news coming out about the covid shots the past couple years that her eyes haven't been opened yet! This is someone who trusts their doctor, so she doesn't yet understand that the medical system is 100% corrupt. At least she's willing to look at anything I send her way, so I'm calling on my fellow digital warrior friends for help.
If you could please share any research, articles, videos, or links my way, that would be appreciated! Thank you for your help.
You don’t have to worry about it if you haven’t had Chicken Pox. And it generally doesn’t show up unless you have a weakened immune system. My dad got it when he was on medicine to wipe out his rheumatoid arthritis by taking down his immune system and resetting it. Fasting is supposed to reset your immune system.
I got shingles in my 30s right after my coworkers got the covid shot and I've only had the chicken pox shot. It's chronic now and comes back every time I'm stressed or in the sun too long. It may have also been triggered by dental anesthesia.