...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
God’s Answer To Problems In Times Like These
During these early years of the 21st century, we have faced overwhelming problems that appear to have no answer. There seems to be no end to the personal and social ills that plague us. Is there no place we can turn for relief?
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Have You Been To Calvary?
“Nay … we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” and He gave His Son to die for us on the cross. Oh, my friend today, do you have a sorrow? Do you have unfulfilled desires and hopes that have been crashed to the earth? Bring them to the foot of the cross. Bring them to Jesus. He bore your sins. Have you been to—been to Calvary? Where He revealed His love for you. In this world today with all of its sadness, are you finding the burden too hard in the heat of the day? Oh, bring it to Him.
Daily Promises
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. (Titus 2:14)
Our redemption and future life is assured: for Jesus Christ, the Lamb, was stricken down for our sakes and so every spiritual blessing is even now granted us! Christ demanded Himself a people and so He duly paid for one! We are His people! We are His sheep! We are His workmanship! We who believe are assured our salvation for the winning of it lay in the hand of He who has already won it!
Faithful To God
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering. — Hebrews 10:23
Things in our lives may change. But our love for God and faithfulness to Him should never change.
Casting Pods
Rus Assaults Vuhledar, 3 Ukr Brigs Risk Trap; West Panic; Sullivan Talk Yermak; No Missile Strikes...The Duran
David Haggith: Collapse, Global Digital Currency, & Armageddon…Geopolitics & Empire
Bipartisan Digital ID & Partisan Managers Circle Wagons As The #TwoPartyIllusion Begins To Break Down...The Last American Vagabond
Dog Woo
Every one rushes elsewhere and into the future, because no one wants to face one's own inner self.
Michel de Montaigne
Preparedness Notes for Sunday — September 1, 2024
Of Mysteries That Challenge the Mind, and Mysteries That Reflect Mental Incapacity
U.S. advancing police state measures
Caitlin Johnston - The West Truly Doesn't See Palestinians As Human
James Howard Kunstler - The Significance of the Passage of Time...DANA BASH: “You’ve been Vice President for three and half years. The steps that you are talking about now, why haven’t you done them already?” KAMALA: “I’m very proud of the work we have done.”
Today's Wins
1 Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake
2 Trump Looking Good at Labor Day Kickoff
3 Too Funny: Donald Trump Posted a CNN Interview Meme
4 Reporter: "What's Your Reaction to 6 Dead Hostages" - Tampon Tim: "Thanks Everybody"
5 Nuclear Fusion, a Perpetually Distant Dream, Moves Closer to Reality...‘Fusion is the most technologically challenging approach to making energy that mankind has ever attempted,’ physicist Robert Fedosejevs says.
6 Manuals of Politeness: The Timeless Essentials of American Etiquette...Manners play a part in civil society, not as rules, but acts of consideration and kindness.
7 Autistic Child Performs Bird Calls for School and It’s Amazing
8 The Harrowing and the Beautiful...In the darkest reality, this celebrated composer finds his voice.
9 Sunday Poem...Alice Walker - On Sight
Look What The Dog Dragged In
10 Moon Of Alabama - The MoA Week In Review
11 How do so many politicians avoid serious federal convictions?
12 How Biden Skirted U.S. Law to Open Up the Border
13 Hands on the valve: How this former French colony could now control Europe...Algiers is now playing an increasingly important role in ensuring EU energy security and is itself moving toward economic sovereignty
14 Celebrity ‘Russian Spy’ Whale Spotted With Harness Found Dead in Norwegian Waters
15 The Strange Rise of Daydreaming...Why people become addicted to fantasy lives.
Health Briefs...Unleashed
16 California Legislature Passes Bill Banning 6 Chemical Dyes in School Food...The dyes have been linked to cancer, neurobehavioral issues, and hyperactivity in children.
17 CDC: Death Toll Is Now 9 in Bacterial Outbreak Linked to Recalled Deli Meat ‘Recent illnesses may not yet be reported as it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to determine if a sick person is part of an outbreak,’ the CDC said.
18 How to Help a Hurting Loved One...With the right strategies, you can be a reliable shoulder to lean on.
19 Zucchini, Salmon, and Blueberry: Easy and Energizing Recipes for Labor Day...Celebrate Labor Day 2024 with seasonal foods and quick recipes. Healthy ideas for summer’s last hurrah!
20 How the Humble Tomato Went From Feared Underdog to Culinary Darling Now a beloved staple across much of the world, the tomato initially struggled to gain acceptance in European and American kitchens.
21 Fresh Tomato Sauce...Red pepper flakes give this tomato sauce a subtle heat.
The Best Of American Thinker
22 Vexing questions about sex, the CCP, population decline, and more
23 Six Things About Harris
24 So what really was witheld from CNN's 41-minute interview with Kamala Harris?
25 Kamala: saving illegals from our values
26 Incredible economic illiteracy from Kamala Harris
27 Image courtesy of Todd Schowalter Productions.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
28 Touching: Biden Builds Sandcastle To Honor Murdered American Hostage
29 Woman Who Got Soldiers Killed Condemns Man Who Comforted Their Families
30 Challenger Kamala Harris Agrees To Debate Incumbent Kamala Harris
31 9 Things That Should Instantly Disqualify A Person From Voting
32 Family Unsure If Watching Beautiful Meteor Shower Or Just Boeing Plane
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Taboo, And Other Animal Games
1 This Word Is Taboo In This Husky's Home
2 Poppy The Boxer Won't Go To Bed Until He's Tucked In
3 Sweet Old Lady (German Shepherd) Gets Full Blow Out
4 Woman Does Sweetest Thing For Bullied Dog
5 Woman Hangs Out With Rescue - Bee?!
6 The Continuing Adventures Of Cheeky The Squirrel
7 The Guard Cat Keeps It Wild!
8 Kitten Babies Wobble
9 Puppy And Grown Husky Games
10 Dogs And Cats Go Through Maze
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA?...Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII?
https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/is-civil-war-20-coming-to-the-usa i
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
It Is His World
I don’t care who you are, you’re going to stand before God. Now if you’re a child of God, He’ll judge you for your sin. You won’t lose your salvation, but He’ll take you to the woodshed. Now if you’re a lost man, you’ve got no claim on God at all. He doesn’t say He won’t hear the prayer of the wicked. He just says He hears the prayers of the righteous, and He’s not obligated to hear the others. But if that wicked man would cry out to Him, God would deliver him. When you hear people today say, “Why does God let this happen?” and they’re unsaved—well, my friend, you have no claim on God. God’s righteous, and we forget that this happens to be His world.