posted ago by DarQ2light ago by DarQ2light +32 / -0

Eustace Mullins, an American author, exposed what he saw as the hidden forces manipulating world events. He argued that the Federal Reserve, a seemingly independent institution, was in reality controlled by a small group of powerful bankers who dictated the economic fate of nations for their own gain. Mullins believed these elites were not merely content with economic domination—they had grander, more insidious plans.

He contended that Zionism served as a deceptive front, masking a broader agenda to manipulate global affairs. Mullins claimed that these elites sought to ignite a war between Christians and Muslims, pushing these two great civilizations to annihilate one another, thereby eliminating threats to their power. This strategy of division and destruction, according to Mullins, was designed to solidify their control over the world.

Referencing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mullins presented it as evidence of this vast conspiracy, portraying it as a blueprint for global domination. He believed it revealed a systematic plan to manipulate governments, economies, and societies, furthering the goals of these hidden elites.

Mullins' work is a call to attention—a stark warning of the forces he believed were shaping the world from behind the scenes, using deception, division, and control to maintain their power.

Link to interview in the comments