...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends…
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Ezekiel 5:17—7:2
God displays His glory through His acts of grace and mercy, as well as through His holy righteousness. That’s what we’re learning as our study of the Old Testament book of Ezekiel continues.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
We Are Regenerated
“I will put my spirit within you, cause you to walk in my statutes ….” Now that’s what Joel meant in his prophecy. There’s a day coming when God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh—not some. Very few on the Day of Pentecost. All Peter said that day was, he says, “Don’t ridicule this, brethren and say they’re drunk.” This is like what Joel says is going to come in the last days. “And the Spirit is come upon a few.” And today God’s calling out a people to His name. The minute that you turn to Christ, you’re regenerated by the Holy Spirit, you’re indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and baptized by the Holy Spirit, put in the body of believers.
Daily Promises
Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ: (Ephesians 1:3)
Every spiritual blessing. Every single last one! Can you believe it? What abounding grace has been granted us who believe! Every spiritual blessing! To us, the former children of our once-father, the devil. Even while every believer should be rejoicing in thankful abandon at being granted to taste of life eternal, how much more should the adopted son of the High King of Heaven give unceasing thanks for the bountiful treasure unmerited which has been granted him by God's unmeasured mercy!
Something Special About The Joyful Sound
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. — Psalm 89:15
God is worthy of our praise, and being able to praise Him, and to hear others praise Him, is a special blessing.
Casting Pods
JJ Couey Explains Infectious Clones..."The Data They want is the Genetics and Our Medical Data"- The Courtenay Turner Podcast
COP 26 to COVID 19: Two Sides of the Same Lie...Canadian Patriot 1776
Reclaiming the Narrative on HAITI with Dr. Jemima Pierre...The Afro Asia Institute for Strategic Studies
From Louis XIV to The Ballet Russe: How the world renaissance was hijacked by Apollo...Rising Tide Foundation
LET THERE BE LIGHT ON CONFUSION! Featuring the 64th Gene Key: Confusion - Imagination - Illumination...Victoire Slakey Aguirre
THE RED SKELTON SHOW -- "TRAFFIC IS TERRIBLE"...David Von Pein's Old-Time Radio Channel
Dog Woo
Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.
Arnold J. Toynbee
Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — September 4, 2024
Caitlin Johnstone - Calling Harris A Communist Is An Insult To Communism
Will Election-Riggers Wag the Dog Again?
Don L. Lee - ESSAY: The New Pimps or, It’s Hip to be Black: The Failure of Black Studies 1971...Was Black Studies doomed to fail? Revisiting a critical take on its origins
Sirius Serensynchrodipitonicities...MettaPhysical Fun with a Political Purpose
Today's Wins
1 Reagan: The Movie, Holds Many Lessons for Us Today
2 Stand With the January 6th Protesters
3 J6 Political Prisoner Receives First Reduced Sentence After Supreme Court Ruling
4 Judge Merchan Should Throw Out Corrupt Case in NYC Against President Trump Based on Presidential Immunity This Week
5 Amid Public, Shareholder Backlash, Some Major Corporations Drop DEI Policies...Since 2021, 25 companies have been notified by shareholders that their DEI programs constitute illegal discrimination and a breach of fiduciary duty.
6 Ann Garrison - Abandon Biden Becomes Abandon Harris, Focuses on Battleground States
7 Trump Campaign Announces “Catholics for Trump” Coalition
8 Tulsi Gabbard Breaks Silence on Being Placed On “Secret Terror Watch” by the Harris-Biden Regime
9 Wednesday Poem...Cornelius Eady - I’m a Fool To Love You
Look What The Dog Dragged In
10 SECRET MERCENARY ARMIES, URBAN TERRORIST CELLS & ANTI-AMERICAN MILITARY UNITS: The American Bolshevik Revolution fast approaches the kinetic war phase
11 John McCain’s son likely violated a military directive; plus, his own dad campaigned using Arlington
12 Coming Soon to a Town Near You: The Aurora Illegals Invasion
13 404 Media previously reported Cox Media Group (CMG) was advertising a service that claimed to target ads based on what potential customers said near device microphones. Now, here is the pitch deck CMG sent to prospective companies. Google has kicked CMG off its Partner Program in response.
14 Boeing Will Fly Its Empty Capsule Back to Earth Soon, 2 NASA Astronauts Will Stay Behind
15 Margaret Kimberley - AOC and the Desperate Democrats Attempt to Undermine the Greens
16 Anima Adjepong - A Hellscape of False Options
17 Abayomi Azikiwe - Namibia Blocks Vessel Carrying Explosives to Israel
18 Moon Of Alabama - Ukraine Open Thread
19 Massive Iskander Attack Sends Rats Scurrying...It’s been an eventful past day, as major Russian attacks galvanized panic-headlines and seemed to catalyze a sudden Ukrainian government purge or mass…
20 Moon Of Alabama - Palestine Open Thread
21 PJ Harvey’s songs of England...Across her varied discography, the singer-songwriter conjures images of hyper-local folk tales and white Dorset cliffs.
22 PJ Harvey - I Inside the Old I Dying
Health Briefs...Unleashed
23 The Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings...How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market?
24 Billions in Funding at Risk If Audrey Hale’s Mental Health Records Are Released to Public
25 Andrew Cuomo to Publicly Testify in Front of Congressional Sub-Committee Next Week on COVID Response
26 JJ Couey Explains Infectious Clones..."The Data They want is the Genetics and Our Medical Data"- The Courtenay Turner Podcast
27 Ana Maria Mihalcea - Zombie Blood - COVID19 Vaccinated Embalmed Blood For Over 2 Years Shows Continued Self Assembly Nanotechnology Replication, Nano and Microrobot Activity
28 Ana Maria Mihalcea - Tobacco Solution/ Nicotine Enhances Nano and Microrobot Activity When Mixed With Microelectronics In Pfizer's Enbrel But Interferes With Integrity Of Nano Antennas In Microchip Development
29 Swedish Health Agency Recommends No Screen Exposure for Toddlers...‘Children under the age of 2 should not use digital media at all,’ Sweden’s Public Health Agency recommends.
30 Sleeping Aids and Electromagnetic Fields
31 Italian Study Links Long COVID Neurological Association to Fatigue, Dysautonomia, Depression, Memory Issues
32 The Simple 15-Minute Workplace Fitness Program Changing Employee Health...Gamification and socialization boost adherence in successful 15-Minute Challenge workplace fitness initiative.
The Best Of American Thinker
33 The bureaucratic dystopia
32 Local government still works
35 There are signs that Kamala’s moment may have peaked
36 The little 'tell' that suggests Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's
37 On the political circuit, Kamala (fake accents and all) pretends that progressive Democrats are the saviors of the working class
38 Image courtesy of Ghenghis Gary.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
39 Tim Walz’s Dog Endorses Trump
40 Amazon Says Error Caused Alexa To Say ‘If You Vote For Trump, I Will Kill You In Your Sleep’
41 'I Am Ready To Take Up Arms In Another Crusade,' Says Man Who Has Carpal Tunnel From Playing 'Elden Ring'
42 Five Guys Down To Just Two Guys After California Minimum Wage Increase
43 UK Prime Minister Recommends Citizens Avoid Stabbings By Submitting To The Holy Koran And Acknowledging Muhammad As The One True Prophet Of Allah, Peace Be Upon Him
Not Quite brain_dead
1 Do Big Tech Billionaires Promote “Free Speech” or Child Sex Trafficking? What is “Free Speech”?
3 He Can’t Help Himself: Joe Biden Sniffs Baby in Pennsylvania
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Fear NOT!
1 Fearful Baby Donkey Finds Security With Cows, Along With Sense Of Humor
2 Fearful, Beautiful Cat Abused By Owner, Helped And Healed
3 Dog Rescued From Abandoned House's Attic
4 Fearful, Wild Mustangs Separated And Trapped By The Government, Then Reunited
5 Dogs And Cats Love Milk Fountain
6 Tiny Tortie Kitten Scares Husky?!
7 Cat EXE. Has Malfunctioned - Sometimes Fearfully
8 Cedar The White Border Collie, Takes The Night Shift, Watching Newborn
9 Stray Cat Scares Other Cats Away, Learns All People Are Not Cruel
10 Golden Retriever Pups Howl In Unison (This One's For You, ashlanddog!)
I had to join in!!!
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 The secret structure that steers Defense and Foreign Policy behind the facade of 'Democracy' known too as, the Controllers, the Masterminds, the Police State, the Surveillance State, the Military Industrial Complex, the World Government...... In short, Deep State = the government elites, intelligence community, and the military establishment...
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Ezekiel 7:1—8:4
Have you heard the saying, “the punishment fits the crime”? In this study we’ll learn that God’s judgment will indeed fit the severity of Israel’s crimes. See both the historic value of this Old Testament book as well as the lessons applicable for us today.