I knew that datefagging is discouraged, so, I figured anything-fagging was wrong - sorry. I get it now. At first, I was very sad that the guy had done sooo much research only to be called something with "fag" on the end. I'm old so, a "fag" used to be a cigarette. eh... whatever. KEK
Our original plane fag watched all day and found odd things almost instantly. His the one that saw Trumps Airforce one change its call sign to Q+ midflight.
"Planefag" -- why the name-calling?
this is a term of endearment. He is not a man fag, he is a plane fag, so he knows lots about planes.
Yes, also, he is not shy to admit that he is sexually attracted to planes. Trust me, I know this because I am sexually attracted to planes 😅👍
I have a nice NACA duct for you, low airframe hours and a tight fit?
It denotes the area of expertise of a person.
planefag = someone who tracks planes
datefag = someone who likes to guess dates
You get the idea.
I knew that datefagging is discouraged, so, I figured anything-fagging was wrong - sorry. I get it now. At first, I was very sad that the guy had done sooo much research only to be called something with "fag" on the end. I'm old so, a "fag" used to be a cigarette. eh... whatever. KEK
History my friend 😉, from an old deplorable fag.
Our original plane fag watched all day and found odd things almost instantly. His the one that saw Trumps Airforce one change its call sign to Q+ midflight.