It's sometimes a difficult process waking up to how the World actually works under Cabal control.
There were so many strange anomalies that didn't make sense, but didn't seem worth worrying about and didn't seem to require further investigation at the time.
Life in general was complicated and busy enough without being concerned about something that appeared to be abstract and out of our wheelhouse.
Apart from the strange ones like Pearl Harbour, JFK, The Illuminati and others, the one that really alarmed me was in 1991 when George H W Bush started to talk about The New World Order!
That was creepy. There was something very wrong happening!
It goes a long way back in time.
A good example is Joe Kennedy sr paying to "fix" Chicago so JFK would win against Nixon. Old Joe made sure he wasn't paying too much!
It appears when JFK won the Election, that select group of the US Military explained to him how the World actually works.
Now I know, but I didn't know until Bush and Gore. I was that naive.
Not a problem,fren.
It's sometimes a difficult process waking up to how the World actually works under Cabal control.
There were so many strange anomalies that didn't make sense, but didn't seem worth worrying about and didn't seem to require further investigation at the time.
Life in general was complicated and busy enough without being concerned about something that appeared to be abstract and out of our wheelhouse.
Apart from the strange ones like Pearl Harbour, JFK, The Illuminati and others, the one that really alarmed me was in 1991 when George H W Bush started to talk about The New World Order!
That was creepy. There was something very wrong happening!
Not a problem, fren.
Say hello to your dogs,from me!