posted ago by TNBanjoMan ago by TNBanjoMan +35 / -0

A relative, who I know has been vaxx'ed and boosted several times, has just recently developed a knot on his lower back. He had to have an MRI on Friday, and the results are not back yet. But today he fell and could not get up... perhaps some paralysis? An ambulance was called in the past hour and they are taking him to a local research hospital that also has a cancer institute attached.

QUESTION: Does anyone know if the covid jabs have been associated with such growths (tumors? paralysis? or other?) in studies? I tried to warn him against getting the jabs but he's a liberal and doesn't listen to me. We are concerned about his health, as he's early 70s.

Prayers for him (name Bill) would also be appreciated. Mainly right now I'm looking for answers. Do the covid jabs / boosters have this kind of effect on others?

UPDATE: As of 20 minutes ago, they have put him in a room in the ER, which (having been there myself) is an actual room, not a curtained off area, where they can do advanced diagnostics. They are talking about moving him to a hospital room and are retrieving his MRI from just 2 days ago, the results of which had not come back yet. He is in some pain, but they are administering pain meds for him.

NEW UPDATE: The growth turned out to be an infected abscess and it was surgically removed last night at the hospital. Bill is awake and asking for coffee, so he's on the mend. He will be in the hospital for a couple more days but he's apparently doing quite well, given his age. THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND FEEDBACK!!