But a plane didn’t hit Pentagon and the jury’s out about planes period . The security for the trade center and the nanothermite is enough ! Bush new step by step and when they would come down . The painting with the two piles of blocks is more then enough ! I pray he gets charged before he dies from old age ! M
But a plane didn’t hit Pentagon and the jury’s out about planes period . The security for the trade center and the nanothermite is enough ! Bush new step by step and when they would come down . The painting with the two piles of blocks is more then enough ! I pray he gets charged before he dies from old age ! M
(Sorry, the Bush brother was on the Board of Director and not a owner! I was too quick in writing it down and posting it!)
Also remember the painting found with Epstein showing George W. Bush playing with paper planes.
And do not forget that Obama ist related to the Bush family via his grandfather.
Mind boggling…fucking mind boggling.
Wait so is it stratasec or securacom?
Sorry, the Bush brother was on the Board of Director and not a owner! I was too quick in writing it down and posting it!