posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +84 / -0


20-minute video. The TLDW is:

In April or May of 2020, a guy's house was raided by the DOJ and their assets seized. He was told he needed to plead guilty, but the DOJ wouldn't tell him what the charges were against him.

He and his wife moved in with family and sold their home and in order to raise cash for an attorney (as all their cash had been seized by the DOJ). During discovery, the man finally found out what was going on.

He had brokered a commercial real estate deal for Amazon in early 2020. With the closure of all of Amazon's commercial spaces, Amazon wanted out of this new real estate deal. The only way Amazon could get out of it was to prove that they had been defrauded by the real estate agent.

So Amazon called their buddies at the DOJ, and the DOJ and Amazon conspired to frame him for an alleged crime in order for Amazon to get out of this real estate contract.

Fascism is when private business and the state work together as if they are one and the same. Communism is no private business, only the state. Fascism is a stepping stone to communism.