posted ago by cringerepublic ago by cringerepublic +44 / -1

Your life feels empty because you're a modern man. You're spiritually destitute, devoid of meaning, direction. You are nothing more than a mindless consumer. A rootless being, without purpose. You spend your days and nights engaging in meaningless activities, seeking gratification from your electronic leash. You're a stranger in your own country, in your own skin. A pitiful creature, alienated from his own soul. Your existence lacks true connection, depth or spiritual nourishment. You are a slave to your own desires, always searching for another fix, another high. You have become a product of a soulless machine, an empty vessel, a hollow man.

But you can change your life. You can start by unplugging from the matrix. Turn off your phone, the television, the computer - all the devices that keep you addicted to the artificial world. Get outside, explore nature, go on walks, hike, experience the real world. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through feeds, pick up a book, educate yourself. Discover what you truly like and dislike, what fascinates you and repels you, and allow this to shape your life. Start creating your own identity, instead of the one the machine has given to you.

Additionally, cultivate discipline. Make a routine for yourself, and stick to it. Make sure that you have time for meditation, mindfulness and self-reflection. Read and listen to great minds, find a mentor to guide you. Start working out - exercise, martial arts and yoga are all excellent choices. Take care of your body and health, eat clean and healthy.

Get off social media, it is the most damaging force of your generation and is designed to keep you docile, passive, fearful, lonely and ignorant. Cultivate meaningful relationships. Put an effort into the bonds you have with your family and with those around you. Spend time with people that make you feel like a better person. Distance yourself from those that make you feel smaller or like less of yourself.

Create something of value, contribute to the world. Find out where you can be of service, and apply yourself there. Do work that you believe in, even if it is a small act, even if you cannot see how it is making a difference. Be someone your younger self would have looked up to. Lastly, don’t forget to love yourself. No one can do it for you. Know your own value. Know that you belong, that you are not an alien in this world.

Be patient with yourself, this all may take much time. We are all on a journey, and no one has all the answers. Do not give up. The modern world is a trap, you have to break free from it because it seeks your isolation and consumption, it wants to feed on your very soul. Once you break free, you will finally be able to start living, like men used to, in a world that was meant to be lived, and a life that was meant to be lived in it. You can do this. You can break free. You can become one again with your soul’s true self, and live in this world like a man once again. I believe in you. Godspeed.