posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +33 / -0

Dear Jesus, I come before You today with a heart full of awe and wonder at who You are. You are the source of my joy, the light in my darkest moments, and the peace that calms my restless soul. Every time I feel overwhelmed or unsure, You remind me of Your love, and it lifts my spirit. How blessed I am to know You, to be held in Your grace, and to walk through life with You by my side. I am grateful for Your patience with me, for the times when I stumble and fall, and yet You always pick me up. Your love is constant and unchanging, no matter what. I cannot thank You enough for the cross, for the price You paid to redeem me, and for the freedom I now have in You. You have transformed my heart, and I long to follow You more closely each day.

Help me to stay the course, Lord, to keep pressing on even when life feels hard. Give me the strength to endure, to run with perseverance the race You have set before me. I know I can do nothing in my own strength, but with You, all things are possible. Guide my steps, Jesus, and lead me in Your will, even when I cannot see where the road leads. Teach me to trust You fully, to surrender every fear, every doubt, every worry into Your hands. Help me to love as You love, to serve others with a heart like Yours, and to be a reflection of Your kindness and compassion in this world. Let my life be a living testimony to Your goodness, so that others might see You in me and come to know Your saving grace. Thank You for Your never-ending faithfulness. I know that with You, I will not only survive the trials, but I will thrive through them, because You are with me. Keep me close to You, Jesus, now and always. In Jesus glorious name we pray. Amen

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