posted ago by lilsparrow ago by lilsparrow +16 / -1

So I had a strange dream two nights ago. Most of it I do not remember, but the one part I do want to share, perhaps it's nothing, or wishful thinking from a sleepy restless brain, or maybe there is more to it than that.

I dreamt about Donald Trump,... and it's not the first time I have dreamt about him.

The part of the dream I remember is:

I'm standing in line to order some fast food,.. could have been a Wendy's or Burger King, just to give you the vibe of the setting, and I'm next in line to order. The person in front of me steps aside after their order and I step forward.

And who is taking my order but Donald Trump. He's dressed in his Black suit, red tie, and I distinctly remember he had on his American flag lapel pin.

It was as if no one was behind the counter for a moment and he just stood up from being crouched down, and he looked at me, both hands on the counter on either side of the register and and asked me "What would you like to have."

Now, even in my dream I was kinda giddy, but calm, a little how you might be when you're meeting your favorite celebrity at ComicCon.

The looks we exchanged with each other however was as if we had a previous conversation, like he remembered me and a discussion we had previously... (remember, this is all in the dream, and this is the first and only time he appeared in the dream).

I smiled, thanked him, and then placed my order. Two double cheeseburgers and a side of mozzarella sticks. (This is why I think it was a Burger King as some have that as a side menu item for context).

He then rang me up, thanked me for my order, I paid, and I was given my order.

And I don't remember what happened after that in the dream.

Again, the entire vibe of it was as if he remembered me and a conversation we may have had at an earlier point in time, but without either of us talking about it, just nodding and smilin, small talk and being just extremely pleasant.

As said earlier, this isn't the first time I dreamt about Trump. I've had other dreams with other politicians in them, but not with Trump specifically in them. Think the last time I did was on or around the last Election.

Trump was standing on one of those press stages, smaller room, facing a crowd, spotlight on him, unphased. I'm standing off to his left in the dream and looking between him and the crowd, whom are almost baring down on him. The two faces in the crowd I recognize were Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and they and the rest of the crowd are screaming and shouting at Trump, vulgarities and accusations, trying to belittle and degrade and demean.

But Trump is just staring back at them. Not smiling, very stoic, unphased, and unafraid. Like he wasn't afraid of them rushing him, or hurting them. And as mad as this crowd is at him, they dared not move any closer, and there is a good 5ft between him and them, so it's not like this is an audience jeering at him in their seats. They are full on standing up, punching their fists into the area, yelling at him, and Trump is just standing there watching, standing alone (except for me off to his left) with the spotlight on him, completely calm and unmoved.

For whatever reason, this dream has what has been keeping me calm and reassured since 2020, even after all the legal battles and the assassination attempt.

And this most recent dream with the Burgers, again, the vibe of it was pleasant, happy even. I don't know what to make of it other than maybe God or someone is attempting to reassure me that things are ok.

It is not the first time in my live I've had some cryptic prophetic dream, usually in times of big or life changing events.

If you've stuck around this long, I thank you, and am curious to your thoughts.