Praise Jesus! Actually it also happened a few days ago too. I was visiting a Chrisitian bookstore in the afternoon, when all of a sudden I heard it! I heard the mighty trumpet of Jesus, blowing loud and hard, calling all Christians home. I remember that my first thought was, "there it is!" (the trumpet) It was as if I had been struck by lightning! I dropped the book I was perusing, I flew out of the store and was ready to jump out of the window. As I did I stood stock still with my arms pointed skyward and said "YES LORD!". The shopkeep and the two other people in the shop looked at me as if I was insane. Turns out they knew something I didn't. It was the 1:45 fright train crossing the road every day at that time, and usually blows it's whistle when it's going through the intersection. I was sooo embarassed! But hey, at least I know I'll be ready when the real one comes! I'd rather be a bit embarrassed than unsaved!!
Praise Jesus! Actually it also happened a few days ago too. I was visiting a Chrisitian bookstore in the afternoon, when all of a sudden I heard it! I heard the mighty trumpet of Jesus, blowing loud and hard, calling all Christians home. I remember that my first thought was, "there it is!" (the trumpet) It was as if I had been struck by lightning! I dropped the book I was perusing, I flew out of the store and was ready to jump out of the window. As I did I stood stock still with my arms pointed skyward and said "YES LORD!". The shopkeep and the two other people in the shop looked at me as if I was insane. Turns out they knew something I didn't. It was the 1:45 fright train crossing the road every day at that time, and usually blows it's whistle when it's going through the intersection. I was sooo embarassed! But hey, at least I know I'll be ready when the real one comes! I'd rather be a bit embarrassed than unsaved!!
Praise HIM!!!!!!!!!!