Income tax is interest paid on the money the Federal Reserve loans into the supply of money.
"No income tax" implies that the Federal Reserve System is no more.
As I was telling my daughter and son in law tonight, one day we'll wake up and the world will be totally different. We won't know how it happened or when, exactly. But, it's happening NOW. We just aren't being told about it, explicitly. It's only being hinted at. And one huge hint, that nearly everyone is missing, is that no income tax means the Federal Reserve is no more.
It will take time to work it all out. But Trump told us several years ago that the U.S. Treasury has the books of the Federal Reserve. But few understood the meaning. If you have someone's books, you own them. I do believe that "We the people" own the Federal Reserve. And one implication of that is we will stop paying interest (income tax) to the Federal Reserve.
That's why, out of the blue, Trump started talking about income tax. He isn't pandering. The world has changed.
Income tax is interest paid on the money the Federal Reserve loans into the supply of money.
"No income tax" implies that the Federal Reserve System is no more.
As I was telling my daughter and son in law tonight, one day we'll wake up and the world will be totally different. We won't know how it happened or when, exactly. But, it's happening NOW. We just aren't being told about it, explicitly. It's only being hinted at. And one huge hint, that nearly everyone is missing, is that no income tax means the Federal Reserve is no more.
It will take time to work it all out. But Trump told us several years ago that the U.S. Treasury has the books of the Federal Reserve. But few understood the meaning. If you have someone's books, you own them. I do believe that "We the people" own the Federal Reserve. And one implication of that is we will stop paying interest (income tax) to the Federal Reserve.
That's why, out of the blue, Trump started talking about income tax. He isn't pandering. The world has changed.
Stable genius barely scratches the surface.
So roll over and die.