THIS is just one reason why, despite the several other honest, decent, intelligent, true-MAGA, Constitution-respecting possible candidates available, TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF SAVING THE REPUBLIC AT THIS TIME.
He is unique in temperament, education, experience, intelligence, and native ability (and a few other things I don't even know to mention, I'm sure).
It is almost like he went to a military Academy and was taught tactics or something The Art of War
AND..wrote a companion book The Art of the Deal.
THIS is just one reason why, despite the several other honest, decent, intelligent, true-MAGA, Constitution-respecting possible candidates available, TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF SAVING THE REPUBLIC AT THIS TIME.
He is unique in temperament, education, experience, intelligence, and native ability (and a few other things I don't even know to mention, I'm sure).
My view, anyway.
I posted this exact though days ago. This debate was a trap but they set their own trap and Trump stood back and let them walk into it.