A 'debate' between Trump and harris will not be allowed by the liberal/communist MSM without the criminal (LIES) fact checking that they add and are proven to be lies, because Trump would destroy the moron harris in a Debate of facts. Trump could and should say nothing in a debate BUT the Facts of His economy Vs. The last 4 years of the absolute destruction of the Middle class by harris. The American voter Votes with their Now Empty wallet.
A 'debate' between Trump and harris will not be allowed by the liberal/communist MSM without the criminal (LIES) fact checking that they add and are proven to be lies, because Trump would destroy the moron harris in a Debate of facts. Trump could and should say nothing in a debate BUT the Facts of His economy Vs. The last 4 years of the absolute destruction of the Middle class by harris. The American voter Votes with their Now Empty wallet.