Keep in mind they’ve been saying the 20 million figure since the early 00’s. There’s been at least another 20 million or so since Biden took office, along with the overstayed H1b visas, and anchor babies.
Trump doesn’t even have to have the military physically remove them all. Just the most dangerous and all the most recent ones like the Haitians and Somalis. Once Trump cuts off all the freebies, such as rent and housing, schools and hospitals, sending our money to family back home, places of business being punished for hiring them, they’ll all self deport.
Then you have the war against the Mexican Cartels Trump plans on engaging in and completely ending their reign of terror in Mexico. If it gets bad enough, Mexico might have its government reformed under Trump’s America’s supervision. At that point, the rest of the Mexicans and Hispanics will self deport back to their now safe home country with plenty of opportunities.
This would completely reverse the planned demographic decline of Whites in America, dramatically reducing the prices of apartments and homes to historic levels, while raising their availability, job opportunities dramatically increase, crime and general number of cars on the road plummets to historic lows, and everything else you can imagine when +40 million extra people are gone.
I’ve explained some of these things to people in my life and they’ve all said I’m likely on to something with these possible outcomes.
The positive effect it would have on the economy, without even touching the FED would be dramatic. Now add auditing and closing the FED/ going to a gold standard on top of everything I’ve already said too.
I don't mean to doom but...These peoples were lured here with promises. The Haitians and Somalies didn't swim to get here, they were flown in. There is no "self deport".Many Latinos, if they are not felons, have left everything. There is nothing to return to. If food and aid is cut off we will have 20 million hungry, homeless desparate victims. And I say victims because I believe most of them are honest family folks who saw a way out of their communist sh*thole countries. They didn't realize they were going to be used as cannon fodder to destroy the last remaining beacon of independance in the world. If you think they are eating animals now, just wait until they become hungry fugitives. The Deepstate wants a one world government, they want to be in control as evil always does and the USA is in the way.
Give them a month's worth of freebies to board the plane or bus. Then make sure they actually leave.
Still a big savings in the long run.
Indeed, they’ve already taken so much, why not give them just a little more of it means they’re gone for good?
Especially if the economy, jobs, manufacturing, and energy production explodes under Trump like he says it will. We could afford that cost.