Projecting much? He does have a few good points though. 1. We shouldn't hate, and 2. that Aiden's death was an accident and should not be used to encourage hate of any race. What he forgot to mention is that these people were brought here to encourage the division of citizens with hate. If we continue to hate we are falling into their trap, The chaos, killing and destruction of the USA, to facilitate the implementation of Agenda 2030 of the UN.
Hen your evil guilt overcomes you and you cannot face yourself for things you have done, alcohol and drugs are an easy solution. This is a large problem in our world today, God and goodness are being omitted and replaced with evil and wrong.
Agreed. They may have their place, but it's not governments place to make those choices for us.
Last time I checked the individual citizen debt was about $118,000 for each US citizen. Our taxes are not even paying the interest on the money our government has borrowed from ourselves. Let that sink in
Agreed. We should not have "kinglike" figures. The USA was set up as independant state countries with a federal government with 3 branches of REPRESENTATIVES. The President was the exec. branch led by great military persons.
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I don't mean to doom but...These peoples were lured here with promises. The Haitians and Somalies didn't swim to get here, they were flown in. There is no "self deport".Many Latinos, if they are not felons, have left everything. There is nothing to return to. If food and aid is cut off we will have 20 million hungry, homeless desparate victims. And I say victims because I believe most of them are honest family folks who saw a way out of their communist sh*thole countries. They didn't realize they were going to be used as cannon fodder to destroy the last remaining beacon of independance in the world. If you think they are eating animals now, just wait until they become hungry fugitives. The Deepstate wants a one world government, they want to be in control as evil always does and the USA is in the way.
You forgot to mention that zelkillsky has repeatedly cancelled elections in Ukraine. That by itself should stop all aid. At this point it is just obvious depopulation
Once upon a time, our CICs were military men who led their troops into combat. I say Captin Joe be the first one on the ground, then the VP, speaker, blinken (whatever his title is, the man in the dress, and so on down the line until a of these ldjits are gone
In the USA we are supposed to have a 3 party government. How is it even constitutional to just cut out one of those parties? Well, then on the other hand, Executive orders have been cutting out 2 parties pretty regularly now, so there is that. (well, those two parties haven't been representing us anyway!)
These people are hungry. And they have experience being hungry so eating small animals is quite normal to them. It's not like they can afford t-bones and ribeyes.
There is good, and there is evil. I can't judge an entire nationality on way or another. Each of us must work to serve God, not satan
Have yall heard the chicken place is having a swift special? 1/2 price on 2 skinny thighs 2 small breasts and a left wing.
Last time I heard of a "sector" was 1984
I don't think their poll is going their way. Trump ahead by 2 % on a RINO sites poll. The bias was so bad against DJT I couldn't watch the whole thing, but it was easy to tell DJT was spitting mad.
4 to 6% will never wake up
I would have a guilty conscience too. No telling how many deaths he is responsible for.
I watched about 10 minutes kinda in the middle of that pathetic attack on DJT. Both moderators were suffering from TDS the likes of which should have them removed from any public platform.
I hope so
Treason is Treason. The penalty for treason is death. They are evil and evil must be stopped.
It's really got to piss them off when they have to write that billions Dollars checks. But SpaceX is the most successful. not just financially, they launch and return successfully.
EO's are for housekeeping around the Whitehouse. They were never intended to allow a single man (or cabal controlling a single man) to make laws and unilaterally run the country.
I believe most of them led regular lives in their homelands. The UN and WEF (DS) working toward their goals of Agenda 2030 have baited and assisted them into migrating. I totally believe most are innocent people seeking better lives and that they are being used as kindling for the coming fires. This is occurring all accross the globe. The plans for the USA have just been delayed 4 yrs by Trumps first term. Do you think these folks are just gonna get on a plane and return to their communist run distopia?
That is so off the charts crazy I had to read it 3 or 4 times just to comprehend the total and complete idiocracy of it.
Absolutely Correct