posted ago by Goqgo ago by Goqgo +25 / -0

Have you ever asked yourself what in the world is up with all these Trump supporters? How can they stand behind a convicted felon the way they do? Why are there so many of them? Are there really that many people in our country that appear to be mentally challenged? What am I missing? Is it possible that these people might be seeing something that I am missing? How could that even be possible because all I see is how Trump lies about everything because that is what the media and all my friends say? What in the world is driving these people to be supporting this man? If you are asking yourself these questions then maybe you should investigate what is driving these people. What are they looking at that you may not be seeing? Do you watch both liberal and conservative news to try to figure out why there are so many people that don’t agree with what you believe? Did you actually watch BOTH the RNC and the DNC yourself or did you rely on the news and people on social media to cover it for you? If your answer to the last 2 questions is no then you are not getting the full picture of both sides and you are missing something.