1827 the Rothschild family had offered to purchase Palestine from the Ottoman Empire but was refused.
1896 a Jew Theodore Herzl offered to pay $2.2 billion in today's currency, to the Ottoman Sultan to issue a charter for Jews to colonise Palestine.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II refused the offer outright in 1896, telling Newlinski, "if Mr Herzl is as much your friend as you are mine, then advise him not to take another step in this matter.
The plans of the genocide took place 1910-12 by a Turk committee composed 100% Balkan Jews
1913 Jewish Bankers took over the federal reserve and created their own bank and took over America and it's gov basically.
1914 WW1 starts.
1915 The Armenian Genocide takes place. Jews who wanted a global religious war between Christian Europe and Moslem Ottoman Empire in the hope to secure Palestine for themselves. In order to entice Christian Europe to attack the Ottoman Empire with the justification of protecting Christians, crypto-Jews slaughtered Armenian Christians and blamed it on the Moslem Turks.
1916Germany was offering England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: "Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started." England, in the summer of 1916, had no choice. It was either accept this negotiated peace that Germany was offering.
While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and said: "Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States (Who the Jews had a stronghold on via the Federal Reserve) will come in as your ally. In return the Jews were to be given Palestine upon the Ottomans Empire Loss.
The Americans allys with England and wins the war defeating the Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
1916 The Sykes-Picot agreement was drawn up in 2016. Ottoman armies had been dealt with, Britain stood to take possession of Palestine. This brought several strategic advantages. Possession of Palestine would put Britain in a position to grant an enormous favour to the Zionists, who were seeking to gain the backing of a great power for their dream of ending the Jews’ 2,000-year exile from Israel.
Balfour declaration then followed in 2017 where lord Balfour declared Palestine a save haven for Jews. British Troops seized control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.
July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshipinga fire-breathing statue of Moloch. They were celebrating dragging the US into WW1 (in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey) which would lead the Jews to a new world in which they would rise to the top. One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration, which was the agreement that dragged the US into WW1 in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey and allowing Jews to settle there.
WW2 paved way for the Jews to migrate down to their newly acquired Israel.
In 1947, the UN granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists. Between 1947 and 1949 Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors. Villages were destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of murders known as the Nakba. The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Now the stage is set. Since the Antichrist is a counterfeit, naturally he is going to need a counterfeit Israel. And if Satan needs a false Israel for his false Messiah, then he also needs false Jews. Jesus warned in Revelation 2:9 about false Jews of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be true Jews. For nearly everything in God's prophetic plan, the Devil has a counterfeit to deceive the human race.
The Jewish Plot to Occupy Palestine
1827 the Rothschild family had offered to purchase Palestine from the Ottoman Empire but was refused.
1896 a Jew Theodore Herzl offered to pay $2.2 billion in today's currency, to the Ottoman Sultan to issue a charter for Jews to colonise Palestine.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II refused the offer outright in 1896, telling Newlinski, "if Mr Herzl is as much your friend as you are mine, then advise him not to take another step in this matter.
The plans of the genocide took place 1910-12 by a Turk committee composed 100% Balkan Jews
1913 Jewish Bankers took over the federal reserve and created their own bank and took over America and it's gov basically.
1914 WW1 starts.
1915 The Armenian Genocide takes place. Jews who wanted a global religious war between Christian Europe and Moslem Ottoman Empire in the hope to secure Palestine for themselves. In order to entice Christian Europe to attack the Ottoman Empire with the justification of protecting Christians, crypto-Jews slaughtered Armenian Christians and blamed it on the Moslem Turks.
1916Germany was offering England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: "Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started." England, in the summer of 1916, had no choice. It was either accept this negotiated peace that Germany was offering.
While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and said: "Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States (Who the Jews had a stronghold on via the Federal Reserve) will come in as your ally. In return the Jews were to be given Palestine upon the Ottomans Empire Loss.
The Americans allys with England and wins the war defeating the Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
1916 The Sykes-Picot agreement was drawn up in 2016. Ottoman armies had been dealt with, Britain stood to take possession of Palestine. This brought several strategic advantages. Possession of Palestine would put Britain in a position to grant an enormous favour to the Zionists, who were seeking to gain the backing of a great power for their dream of ending the Jews’ 2,000-year exile from Israel.
Balfour declaration then followed in 2017 where lord Balfour declared Palestine a save haven for Jews. British Troops seized control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.
July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshipinga fire-breathing statue of Moloch. They were celebrating dragging the US into WW1 (in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey) which would lead the Jews to a new world in which they would rise to the top. One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration, which was the agreement that dragged the US into WW1 in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey and allowing Jews to settle there.
WW2 paved way for the Jews to migrate down to their newly acquired Israel.
In 1947, the UN granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists. Between 1947 and 1949 Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors. Villages were destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of murders known as the Nakba. The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Now the stage is set. Since the Antichrist is a counterfeit, naturally he is going to need a counterfeit Israel. And if Satan needs a false Israel for his false Messiah, then he also needs false Jews. Jesus warned in Revelation 2:9 about false Jews of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be true Jews. For nearly everything in God's prophetic plan, the Devil has a counterfeit to deceive the human race.